Final Jeopardy: Broadway Roles (3-18-21)

Here are some more clues from the 3/18/2021 Jeopardy! game:

CIA WORLD FACTBOOK NO. 1s ($1000) China is the top consumer of electricity, in 2016 using more than 5 trillion of these units

“AD” TO YOUR LATIN ($2000) This tax term means “in proportion to value”

Here is the song Sting played to the Jeopardy! music:

The players missed 3 clues in COMPLETE THE AD SLOGAN:
($200) L’Oreal: Because you’re ____ it
($400) Ajax: Stronger than ____
($600) Sony: Make. ____
($800) Volkswagen, in the ’60s: Think ____
($1000) Smith Barney: They make money the ____-____ way


Sneak Peek clues — MEDICAL IDIOMS:
($200) Whether Gala or Honeycrisp, one of these “a day keeps the doctor away”
($400) If you’ve got a lot of bruising, you’re said to be these 2 colors, also a way to cook your steak
($600) If you’re “fit as” one of these instruments, you’re doing great
($800) Known to happen with fires & crafty inmates, you don’t want to have it happen with your hives
($1000) Your illness has returned? It’s one of these that you also might see coming from a sinking ship


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9 Responses

  1. Albert says:

    Smith Barney the ‘old fashioned’ way. I would have beaten all 3 of those kids today. I am old enough to remember John Houseman and his commercial.

  2. Carolyn says:

    What was the one about Sugarloaf Mtn in Maine? Can’t remember! Tx.

  3. Penpusher says:

    Just for the record, the Final Jeopardy category was “Broadway Roles.”

    Thanks for a great recap site!

  4. DC says:

    ‘ That spelled Trouble with a capital “T” ’

    Bravo VJ!

  5. Lou says:

    Morgan seems to have that buzzer mojo down today and it helped her greatly. Speaking of phantom of the opera I remember reading about it but I have not seen the show on Broadway for such a long time. I thought the opponents would have known this one. Good scores today. Let’s hope Morgan can keep her wins going. She seems to be expanding her knowledge here.