Final Jeopardy: Toys & Games (3-17-25)
Here are some more clues from the 3/17/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.
“BAD” ENTERTAINMENT ($600) Vince Vaughn came to TV in 2024 in this Florida-set series
IT’S A BIRD! IT’S A PLANE! IT’S A NEBULA! ($600) These eagles that share a name with a derogatory word for a mean wife are monogamous for 30+ years & presumably happy
($1000) The Merope Nebula in this familial open cluster is a reflection nebula, interstellar dust illuminated by a nearby star
AROUND THE WORLD ($1200) Thirsty pilgrims visit the Zamzam Well in this city each year to drink waters said to have been tasted by Ishmael & Hagar
DANCING IN NON-MUSICAL MOVIES ($1200) As part of his “Big Adventure”, Pee-wee hops on a bar & has a memorable dance to this classic song
($2000) The Axe Gang in this Stephen Chow martial arts classic do a memorable little bit of dancing
IT’S ALL GREEK ALPHABET TO ME ($800) It’s a positively charged subatomic union of 2 protons & 2 neutrons
($1200) In this sci-fi film based on a Richard Matheson novel, Charlton Heston is the only survivor of a deadly plague
The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern
($200) Libyan, Syrian, Great Victoria
($400) Cheaters, opera, pince-Nez
($600) Gort, Robby, Bender
($800) Fair Trade, Gentleman’s, Prenuptial
($1000) “Minute”, “Emperor”, “of the Flowers”
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Ouch, missed all the DDs and FJ. Silly Putty was my weak guess. In hindsight, FJ wasn’t impossible. Not a high-scoring affair, but the two guys kept it interesting. I thought Alex should have wagered $1001 to lock out Clare. Brett more or less had to wager about $8K, which he did, and get it wrong, which he did. Had Clare been right and Alex wrong, she’d have won. Preventable if he’d just wagered $1001.
It hurt me a bit when no one knew the French heartthrob in the Yves category. He was a big deal when I was much younger. “Z” was a fine film. All the other stumpers were not nice to me.
I could relate to Alex’s interview tale. Three years ago, I was picked for a $10 ticket to see “Hamilton.” I figured I’d be in the last row. Instead, I was placed in the first row, just to the side of the conductor. A few years earlier, I paid $70 to see “Mormon” in the 2nd row of the balcony and couldn’t hear half of the wisecracks.
The French actor (who was born in Italy) was one of my favorites. He was great in Jean de Florette and its sequel, Manon of the Spring.
His wife heard reportedly said “She has good taste”, upon learning about him and Monroe.
I thought the final was super easy. Daily doubles were hard.
It was another exciting and competitive game. As for me, I performed well in the regular Jeopardy, but found the DJ clues to be somewhat tough. Well, we frantically tried to come up with the correct response for FJ, but neither of us could come up with the game.