Final Jeopardy: Book Words (3-11-20)

Here are 7 more triple stumpers from the 3/11/2020 Jeopardy! game:

HOME DECOR BASICS ($1000) (image) The spiraling design known as this work seen here on a wall adds elegance to furniture, too

GOLD RUSH ($1000) These 3 stone-cold sisters of Greek myth who were less than photogenic had bronze hands & golden wings

NAME THAT INSECT ($1200) (image) One variety of this insect from Australia can grow up to 2 feet long

A YEAR ENDING IN 0 ($2000) 19 years after his death, Napoleon’s remains were returned to France where he was given a state funeral & a new resting place

ISLAND NATIONS ($1200) (image) Animals unique to Madagascar include lemurs, tenrecs, and certain species of these reptiles

PEOPLE ($1200) (image) As editor of the “Harvard Lampoon” in the 1970s he had the last word. Today he hosts “The Last Word” on MSNBC

($2000) (image) This Brit, seen here, invented a little thing called the World Wide Web

Answers to the Sneak Peek clues — THEIR FINAL NOVEL:
($200) “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”
($400) “Jude the Obscure”
($600) “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”
($800) “Hornblower During the Crisis”
($1000) “You Can’t Go Home Again”


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3 Responses

  1. VJ says:

    It was a good game and in the end, even though Paul caught up, he couldn’t win even if he knew the final.

    The “macho dad” actor was nominated for Best Actor for “The Great Santini” but “Tender Mercies” (1983) was the film that got him the Oscar

  2. Richard Corliss says:

    See you later, Paul.

  3. Lou says:

    Well Paul had a good run with five wins. He is now added to the tournament of champions lineup. And congrats to Jessica on her win.