Final Jeopardy: Playwrights (2-15-21)

Here are 6 more triple stumpers from the 2/15/2021 Jeopardy! game:

SPECIFIC HOSPITAL ($1200) Since 1894 this city has had a Parkland Hospital; a brand-new facility opened in 2015

MEAN TWEETERS ($1200) Screech, the eagle mascot of this MLB team, won the President’s Race once with the help of his cheating mascot friends

($2000) Several crows are decidedly uncivil to Dumbo, singing this song with a 6-word title dismissive of his ability

1821 ($2000) The 4th British king of this name had a lavish coronation with dress inspired by the Tudor & Stuart eras

A PLACE LIKE RIVER HILL ($400) With hiking & golf, Cave Creek in the Sonoran Desert is a tourist draw just north of this state capital

“AU” CONTRAIRE ($1600) Oliver Hardy could be described as plump, while Stan Laurel was this

Sneak Peek clues — FOOD & DRINK:
($200) The first vegetables called potatoes were actually what we now call these “potatoes”
($400) When the kernels are not removed, corn is described with this 3-word prepositional phrase
($600) Before “polishing” began, most of the rice people ate was this color variety; now the term is used for a “whole grain” type
($800) Due to the emergence of the vodka type, the original martini now has this liquor in front
($1000) The black type of this is the original type made from a plant; the “black” part was added when candy like Twizzlers came along


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14 Responses

  1. Albert says:

    Phil does not seem like a strong player. Phil won’t be a 5 game winner, imo.

  2. Jacob Ska says:

    Jeopardy clue writers got on a hamster wheel and didn’t get off. “Au” contraire was last listed category tonight and led directly to fj clue correct response “Au”gust Wilson. Seriously?

  3. KarenG says:

    nice to have my home town of Valley Stream as one of the clues tonight!

  4. Jason Smith says:

    There were a lot of poorly written clues tonight.
    – Laurel wasn’t “gaunt”. There’s a connotation of sickness or poor health with that word, not just being thin.
    – “Dole” should have been accepted. You can dole out gossip.
    – “The Post” certainly isn’t specific to the Saturday Evening Post. If you go to New York and ask for “The Post”, they’ll hand you the New York Post.

    • JP says:

      I think you have a point on the first two, but the category for the third clue you referenced was ‘1821’, so the correct response had to publish its first issue in 1821.

    • VJ says:

      As long as you’re objecting to gaunt on the connotation grounds, I think the same could be said for dole. You dole things out sparingly. Gossip is something you either engage in enthusiastically or choose to avoid.

  5. Lou says:

    Decent scores today though I am not surprised that Phil didn’t know the Bill Withers DD. Though congrats to Phil on his win. Ma rainey definitely was a great movie to pay tribute to Chad boseman. Also VJ what scene did you find to be memorable in that viola Davis movie?

    • VJ says:

      I didn’t see that movie yet, Lou. Just the trailer. Glynn Turman, the actor who plays Toledo, was Aretha Franklin’s second husband. Did you know that? He was in a 12-part TV adaptation of James Michener’s “Centennial” the year they got married.

      I was happy for Phil. He sure looked like he thought any chance he had of winning was over when he missed that DD. So weird that Lance only made $400 in Double Jeopardy!

      • Lou says:

        No I didn’t know that but definitely thanks for the heads up my friend. Still this site has actually made us learn a lot these days. Although some of the clues could have been better written here.

      • Howard says:

        I thought Phil was toast when he blew $4500 on the easy DD. But he had enough time to recoup.