Final Jeopardy: Contemporary Authors (2-11-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (2/11/2025) in the category “Contemporary Authors” was:

Asked by a student about the Loch Ness monster she said a time portal below could allow a prehistoric creature to pass through

Today is the 3rd final match in the 2025 Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions. The finalists are: Adriana Harmeyer, an archivist from West Lafayette, Indiana; 9x champ Isaac Hirsch, a customer support team lead from Burbank, CA; and Neilesh Vinjamuri, a software engineer from Lionville, PA.

SCORES SO FAR: Adriana 1 Isaac 0 Neilesh 1

Round 1 Categories: 20th Century Notables – Let Me Tell You a Story – Utensils – Hodgepodge – Competition Shows – Fill Out the “NDA”

Adriana found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “20th Century Notables” under the $600 clue on the first pick of the round. No one had a cent. She bet the $1,000 allowance and she was RIGHT.

Gloria Steinem said this 1972 Democratic candidate for Pres. “first took the ‘White-Male-Only’ sign off the White House” show

Adriana finished in the lead with $7,200. Neilesh was second with $4,800 and Isaac was last with $2,800. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Bridges – Actors & Actresses – Under the Microscope – American Government – Them’s Fighting Words – Meyer Schusser, Irascible Refugee Composer of Golden Age Hollywood

Neilesh found the first Daily Double in “Under the Microscope” under the $1,600 clue on the 19th pick. He was in the lead with 14,800 now, $2,000 more than Adriana in second place. Neilesh bet it all, $200 more than his “all in” DD bet yesterday, and he was RIGHT.

Some mini cnidarians that can regenerate parts of their bodies have this mythic name, like a creature fought by Hercules show

Isaac got the last Daily Double in “American Government” under the $800 clue, with 5 clues left after it. In last place with $6,400, he had $23,200 less than Neilesh’s lead. Isaac bet it all and thought it was the Commerce Committee. That was WRONG.

The oldest committee in the house, it’s been charting revenue policy since 1789 show

Neilesh finished in the lead with a runaway $30,000. Adriana was next with $14,000 and Isaac was in third place with $1,600. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


American author Diana Gabaldon was inspired by a Dr. Who character when she creating her first novel, which evolved into the popular “Outlander” book series and TV series. The heroine Claire time travels to 18th century Scotland and gets involved with a Scottish fellow named Jamie Fraser. Loch Ness is one of the locations in the series.

Gabaldon is a scientist and is often asked if she thinks the Loch Ness monster is real. On her website’s FAQ page, she shares her opinion in a letter she wrote to a 6th grader. As a scientist, she doesn’t think Nessie can exist in the loch. As someone who believes in time travel, she thinks a prehistoric beast could pop in from time to time if there is a time portal under the loch.

Tree fitty: Chef’s father’s encounters with the Loch Ness monster on South Park have got to be the funniest Loch Ness stories ever.

Isaac knew it was the “Outlander Lady” but not her name. He lost his $300 bet and finished with $1,300.

Adriana got it right. She didn’t bet anything, standing pat on $14,000.

Neilesh confessed that he wasn’t sure. He was sure that he didn’t have to bet anything so he won the game with the $30,000 he already had. Now it is possible for Neilesh to win the whole thing tomorrow and that leaves us in suspense as to whether the Finals will continue on Thursday.

FINISH LINE: Adriana 1 Isaac 0 Neilesh 2

Final Jeopardy (2/11/2025) Adriana Harmeyer, Isaac Hirsch, Neilesh Vinjamuri

A triple stumper from each round: 20th CENTURY NOTABLES ($1000) In 1993 this South African was president of the African National Congress Women’s League

BRIDGES ($2000) Now a World Heritage Site, the perhaps unimaginatively named Ironbridge spans this river, Britain’s longest

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “ART & SCIENCE”

A craft that visited it was named for Giotto, based on the story that 680 years earlier, the painter depicted it as the Star of Bethlehem show


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10 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I was 3/3 on DD, but could only come up with what Isaac did. Had Diana come into my mind, I would have recalled. But, I kept going back to E. Annie Proulx, who wrote “Brokeback Mountain”, among other things.

    Now, the last DD reminded me of a 1 day champ from a few years ago (maybe still with Alex) who had a clue that had the same response. That player was Canadian, and blurted out “What is the Department of Ways and Means”? , in a way that I found very flippant, and she said “I’m Canadian”. I thought, at the time, “Don’t matter, you’re on an American show”. Just stuck with me.

    Neilish can’t count on the DDs. He was very fortunate to get them at the same approximate time in both games.

  2. William Weyser says:

    Neilesh, 1 more game and you win. Adriana and Isaac, you need to win these next few games to stay in the tournaments.

  3. Howard says:

    My goodness, those two all-in DD wagers last night and tonight likely will be the deciding factors in who wins this competition. Especially tonight’s, since Adriana nailed FJ and Neilish didn’t. I was hoping she’d avoid a runaway. Poor Isaac is unabashed about showing his frustration. He’ll get a nice consolation prize if he finishes third.

    Last DD wasn’t impossible, and I thought Isaac would know it. Most elite players would. Other than that one DD, the other 2, FJ, and all the stumpers other than the kind of diet were unkind to me.

  4. jk says:

    I find Neilish’s swaying back and forth irritating

    • Esme says:

      Don’t think he can help it.

      • Jason says:

        I said the same thing, about how, in the first have, they had to move the camera to follow him. However, my comment didn’t post. But, I think he CAN help it, as he has been seen not swaying.

      • VJ says:

        Half the time, I’m just listening to the game, so I don’t pay much attention to the swaying or other contestant quirks unless it’s audible.

        I’m really quite noise sensitive these days to the point where Ken sounded like he was yelling out the clues in that ridiculous Meyer Schusser category, just so he could sound like a German storm trooper. Yikes!

  5. Sam in Seattle says:

    Sorry, VJ. No answers for the Sneak Peek

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