Final Jeopardy: Fantastic Beasts (12-7-20)

Here are 5 more triple stumpers from the 12/7/2020 Jeopardy! game:

EMPTY WORDS ($1000) In Genesis 1:2 “the earth was without form, and” this

BRIDGES ($600) The NYC Dept. of Transportation tries not to do major work at the same time on the Brooklyn & this next bridge up the East River

($1000) The Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge in this South American capital is named for the 20th century leader behind the building of the city

LITERARY VIDEO GAMES ($800) With flowing white hair, Geralt of Rivia is a monster slayer in this video game series based on the stories of Andrzej Sapkowski

“U” BEFORE “E” ($2000) Similar to decrescendo, in music it means to gradually play more softly

Answers to the Sneak Peek clues TRADING PLACES:
($200) Its location at 18 Broad Street near Wall Street was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1978
($400) In 1923 the London Stock Exchange adopted the motto “Dictum meum pactum”, “My words is my” this 4-letter promise
($600) The Minneapolis Grain Exchange is the place to go if you’re looking to trade some HRSW, hard red spring this
($800) Germany’s biggest stock exchange is in this financial capital on the Main
($1000) Taifex is the Taiwan exchange for these, advance contracts for the buying & selling of commodities


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6 Responses

  1. JP says:

    Manhattan Bridge is pretty obscure for $1,200 if you are not from NYC.

  2. Ismael Gomez says:

    We start the week with a triple stumper.

  3. klm says:

    I’m further exasperated by photo where there’s a big grin on Katharine’s face with $0 on her board. Just using simple math, she could’ve won this with around $13000 plus change. But no, she was going for that STUPID GRIN! Gawwwwwwwd, this is annoying.

    • Tom says:

      That was the first thing that I saw in that picture too. Maybe Alex told a really funny joke off camera. BTW not that it is all that important, but it turns out that K’s father is the head football coach at UNC.

  4. klm says:

    Yet again the second place finisher doesn’t have the number sense to stay put or just bet enough to cover for the third place finisher doubling up. Other than that, she isn’t going to win if the first placer gets FJ right and bets sensibly. So have a little common sense.

    This has been happening too much lately. It irks, annoys, and befuddles me. Are contestants getting dumber because the pool is limited to California?

    • tom says:

      I agree that the betting has been awful lately. Absolutely no reason for K not winning if she protects against the 3rd place with a $3,200+ bet. The questions in general this season seem easier overall, probably because they are picking from a limited geographic area. However, in this case K is from Chapel Hill – go Tar Heels, not – lol.