Final Jeopardy: TV Characters (12-6-24)

Here are some more clues from the 12/6/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

IN THE KITCHEN ($2000) A Season 3 episode of “The Bear” mentions a story behind this religious title for a bird’s tail

The players missed 3 clues in GENDERED LANGUAGE:

($400) An article in the Atlantic from 1900 says the ideal of combining this type of guy “& a scholar” has pretty well passed from sight
($800) It once meant a man who was a fop or dandy, became a term of address for any male & seems to be giving way to “bro”
($1200) Vegas PBS produced a program about this type of performer, “a Las Vegas icon” in her headdress & feathers
($1600) In the movie “Young Frankenstein”, Frau Blücher says the line “He vas my” this; in the stage musical, she gets to sing it
($2000) Antique adjective for a proper woman; per Elizabeth Cady Stanton, some men wished “pioneers in reform” had had a more this “manner”


The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) You may land at the former Houston Intercontinental Airport, renamed in 1997 to honor this President & onetime resident
($400) The Toyota Center has played host to WWE Wrestling & the Latin Grammy Awards & is the home court of this pro sports team
($600) The Natl. Museum of Funeral History has the exhibit “History of” this practice, from ancient Egypt to Civil War battlefields
($800) Since the 1930s Houston has held a huge Annual Livestock Show & this well-attended event; the next one’s in March 2025
($1000) If visiting this university in Houston, be sure to say hello to Sammy the Owl, its official mascot


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8 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Finally, a good, exciting game to end the week. Dave was more “alive”, so, I can totally see nerves having an effect.

    VJs comment on Romance languages made me think of the origins – all the Romance languages began as accented Latin! That’s the evolution, much the same as if someone went back in time 1000 years, to Britain, and started talking. You might get a word here or there, but, generally, not be understood, nor they understand you.

    And FJ reminded me of something. When I was a kid, 50 years ago, I never got the joke where Morticia asks, “Do you mind if I smoke?” Then, one day, it just struck me, and I started to laugh uproariously. So, there’s that.

  2. Howard says:

    Slightly slow start for Erin, but she was a strong player. Good game overall.
    Zach’s wager on the last DD, which wasn’t tough as it turned out, was kind of wimpy.
    If you know the Latin or French root for “death,” then FJ wasn’t too difficult.
    Not a lot of stumpers in this high-scoring game. Thought one of them would know what goes hand-in-hand with a livestock show.

    • Rick says:

      As for me, I used the Spanish word for death so the name of the character came instantly.

      • VJ says:

        The main Romance languages are all quite similar for that word

        take this quote from West Side Story
        Bernardo esta muerto! – Spanish

        Bernardo est mort! – French
        Bernardo è morto! – Italian
        Bernardo esta morto! Portuguese

        • Rick says:

          Yes, whenever a Latin word or phrase comes up in the Jeopardy game, I can often decipher the Spanish equivalent. If one indeed had at least a basic knowledge of any of the above languages, then the FJ would have been a no brainer.

      • Howard says:

        I almost mentioned Spanish, but knew that word wasn’t quite as close to the character’s name as the French.

  3. Rick says:

    The DDs in today’s game were killers. Well, I’m not altogether an art aficionado, a music connoisseur, nor an avid sports fan, but at least the FJ was far kinder. In any case, I’m looking forward to next week’s games.

  4. VJ says:

    Well, I hope they all go watch “Young Frankenstein” now 🤣🤣🤣 Hilarious film!