Final Jeopardy: 19th Century European Literature (12-3-24)

Here are some more clues from the 12/3/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

A WALT WHITMAN SAMPLER ($400) Of this “noiseless, patient” creature Whitman wrote, “It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself”

($800) Whitman began a poem, “Beat! Beat! Drums!–“Blow!” These! “blow”

($1000) “A Child’s Reminiscence” was later retitled “Out of the Cradle” these 2 words

OCCUPATIONAL TV ($600) Alan Harper, Charlie’s brother on this sitcom, was a chiropractor

($1000) Real-life crisis management specialist Judy Smith inspired this character with the job on “Scandal”

A MIX OF SCIENCE ($1600) Part of a Canadian province is in the name of this current that usually meets the Gulf Stream around Cape Hatteras

($2000) About 1.5% of any quantity of the isotope uranium-238 decays to this element every 100 million years

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) If someone asks you to “give me a tinkle on the blower”, they’re asking you to do this; don’t forget!
($400) Blimey is an alteration of this 2-word phrase, something that the Philistines did to Samson
($600) In “The Waste Land” T.S. Eliot used this double-talk farewell between sever “Goonight”s
($800) In Brit slang, a quod is one of these, like Newgate or Wormword Scrubs
($1000) Just ask spindly comedian Daniel– “A load of” this 4-letter stuff is garbage, subpar


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7 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    I missed Double Jeopardy yesterday as I had to tend to a guest who arrived during the game intermission. From the clues which were given, it was obvious that the correct response in Fj was related to war. Anyways, I came up with ‘The Franco-American War’ which at least had some semblance to the novel.

  2. Howard says:

    Good game among the 3 guys, one falling by the wayside. Stevie was superb, considering he had no shots at a DD. (And that 3rd DD that Evan tanked on was the easiest of his three, and conceivable cost him a win.) Evan wagered perfectly on FJ, but Stevie shocked me with that tiny wager. One of very few times I’ve seen the leader not guard against the 2nd-place player doubling their score.

    I thought of Dickens for Final but wasn’t able to name a novel. Just as well.

    A little embarrassing no one knew the glitzy city, and they surprised me by not knowing the Alan/Charlie show, which ran a mere 12 seasons. The “blimey” clue was pretty much a soundalike.

    Question for the sharp-eyed: during the long break before FJ, they come back briefly, and I can see the players writing on their screens. I believe they are asked or told to write the first word of what they think their response will be, to ensure it’s in the form of a question. Which I think is why we sometimes see a disjointed response, along the lines of “What New York?”

    • Howard says:

      (Conceivably, not conceivable)

      Tie for dumbest answers: Magellan for entering NY bay; A Farewell to Arms for European literature.

      • Jason says:

        Piecing it together, the players make their wagers, and write the “What” or “What is” (or are advised to; whether they do it or not is up to them). Ken gets the clue from the judges, and then taping resumes.

        I think that hubris might take its place, as, someone might get an FJ clue when a response of “What is A Yankee In King Arthur’s Court” or “What is The Importance of Being Earnest”, and not have time enough to scribe it out,c because they didn’t put down the “What is” first.

        As for FJ, I had no clue. I thought of “Robinson Crusoe”, even though the time was too late.

        Irrespective of the person who said “It was hard because they all got it wrong”, this one, even if I had time to research, I would likely have difficulty even finding this out.

  3. Ismael Gomez says:

    We got another triple stumper this week. We could get a four episode losing streak in the final tomorrow.

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    It’s 15,100 for Evan. Normally it would be advantage to him, he made a small bet but in a massive surprise, Stevie made a small wager that allowed him to clinch his first victory. So that’s back to back games where no one got Final correct.

    • VJ says:

      Thanks, Kevin. I went to the eye doctor earlier. She dilated my eyes and I did this whole recap with blurry vision, so that was likely a typo.