Final Jeopardy: European Countries (12-20-17)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (12/20/2017) in the category “European Countries” was:

This country’s last 3 queens abdicated in favor of their children.

2x champ Kate O’Connor has now won $40,200. She’s going for a third win today and these players are going for a first: Justin Bourassa, from Medford, MA; and Remy Timbrook, from Oakland, CA.

Round 1 Categories: ‘Tis the Season – Joy to the World – Jingle Sells – Silver & Gold – Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town – We Wish You “A” Merry Christmas!

Justin found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Silver & Gold” under the $800 clue, with 7 clues left after it. He was in the lead with $7,800, $3,600 more than Kate in second place. He bet $2,000 and he was RIGHT.

Olympic gold medals at the 2008 Beijing games were inlaid with this gem show

Justin finished in the lead with $10,200. Kate was second with $4,800 and Remy was last with $1,000.

Round 2 Categories: Bye, Phoenicia! – Authors’ Biographies – Mind Your Grammar – Fictional Characters’ Most-Hated Movies – “S”cience – Nonsense & Stuff

Remy found the first Daily Double in “Grammar” under the $1,600 clue on the 4th pick. She was in third place with $2,600 now, $8,400 less than Justin’s lead. She made it a true Daily Double and she was RIGHT.

Parataxis is the joining together of phrases or clauses without the use of grammatical uniters. show

Justin got the last Daily Double in “Authors’ Biographies” under the $1,600 clue, with 5 clues to go after it (3 worth $2K). In the lead with $13,400, he had $2,600 more than Kate in second place. He bet $2,000 and said Mann just to say something, but he knew that was WRONG.

Chapter 5 of Philip Nel’s book about this author is “The Disneyfication of” him: “Faithful to Profit, One Hundred Percent?” show

Justin finished in the lead with $11,400. Kate was next with $10,800 and Remy was in third place with $10,400.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Between 1890 and 2013, the Netherlands was ruled by 3 queens. Queen Wilhelmina succeeded to the crown upon the death of her father, William III, in 1890 at age 10 with her mother, Queen Emma, as regent until her 18th birthday. She abdicated in 1948 in her daughter, Juliana’s favor. In 1980, Queen Juliana turned the scepter over to her daughter, Beatrix, who abdicated in favor of her son, Willem-Alexander in 2013. As the above video explains, Dutch succession goes to the first-born. Perhaps, one day, King Willem-Alexander will abdicate in favor of his oldest child, Princess Catharina-Amalia.

21st Century Monarchy Changes (from 2000 to 2014)

Remy thought it was Spain. That only cost her $1,100. She finished with $9,300.

Kate got it right. Just like yesterday, she doubled up. She finished with $21,600.

Justin thought it was Portugal. He lost his $10,201 bet, landing him in third place with $1,199. Kate remained the Jeopardy! champ with a 3-day total of $61,800.

Final Jeopardy (12/20/2017) Kate O'Connor, Remy Timbrook, Justin Bourassa

A triple stumper from each round: (Alex Trebek said the Fictional Characters one was probably the funniest. The “Tis the Season” clue got our vote)

‘TIS THE SEASON ($1000) To go out of consideration, or collapse next to a Longfellow inn

FICTIONAL CHARACTERS’ MOST-HATED MOVIES ($1200) Olaf the Snowman confessed he found this 1962 David Lean epic “hard to watch”

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “Baby Girl Names”

In 2014 it was No. 1 in Sweden and, thanks to an animated movie, in the Top 300 for U.S. baby girls for the first time in decades. show

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9 Responses

  1. Becci says:

    Wow, no one got ‘Lawrence of Arabia’? Weird.

  2. Louis says:

    Kate knew what she was doing in this game, also the previous queen in the Netherlands wilhelmina, did she have longer rulings like queen lillilukalani of Hawaii? How long did her reign last, VJ?

    • VJ says:

      @Lou, Wilhelmina became queen in 1890 but she was only 10 (that info is in the recap). Her mother was regent till she turned 18 (8/31/1898). In 1947, her daughter Juliana ruled as her regent when her health was declining and Wilhelmina formally abdicated in 1948. So, not counting when she was a minor and that last year, it was almost a 50-year reign. Wilhelmina died at age 82 in 1962.

  3. mimsy says:

    @VJ, do you have the other clues in that Fictional Characters category?

  4. timmeh says:

    Justin did have a big lead after Round 1, but he had only gained another $1200 by the end of Round 2. He wouldn’t have been in the lead if Remy hadn’t decided to take a shot at that $2000 Bye Phoenicia clue. Funny category name by the way

  5. VJ says:

    It just so happens that I was reading about that David Lean film last night in Anthony Quinn’s “One Man Tango” memoir on how he showed up on the set in the desert in costume. David Lean didn’t realize it was him and said “Screw Anthony Quinn. Hire that guy.” So even though I didn’t laugh like I did with the Longfellow reference, it was a helluva coincidence!

    Wow, congrats to Kate on this game for the lone correct response. Justin had such a big lead after the first round, I thought the only way Kate could win was if he took a deep dive on a DD, but it was only a little dunk.

    LINK: 13 more clues from the match, including the other 4 clues in “Fictional Characters”