Final Jeopardy: Fictional Characters (12-17-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (12/17/2024) in the category “Fictional Characters” was:

Dressed in white in her first scene, this play character says her name means “white woods”

3x champ Ashley Chan, a publicist from Lewisville, TX, has now won $46,500. In Game 4, her challengers are: Jordan Carr Peterson, a professor from Knoxville, TN; and Jasmine Zhou, an ASIC engineer from Woodland, CA.

Round 1 Categories: Books & Authors – Swap a Vowel – 19th Century Sports – Amphibians & Reptiles – For a Dollar – Name a Woman

Jasmine found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Swap a Vowel” under the $1,000 on the 7th pick of the round. She was in second place with $2,400, $2,000 less than Ashley’s lead. Jasmine bet all of it and she was RIGHT.

A subatomic particle & a peculiar behavior show

Jasmine finished in the lead with $7,200. Ashley was second with $5,200 and Jordan was last with $3,000. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: World History – Jury Duty – From the AFI Catalog – Art Class – Canadiana – Crossword Clues “R”

Ashley found the first Daily Double in “From the AFI Catalog” under the $1,600 clue on the 6th pick of the round. She was in second place with $8,000, $1,200 less than Jasmine’s lead. Ashley bet $3,000 and she was RIGHT.

“The exteriors of the Desmond Mansion were shot at a 25-room mansion on Wilshire Blvd” …the studio “added the swimming pool” show

Ashley found the last Daily Double in “Art Class” under the $1,200 clue on the 17th pick of the round. She was in the lead with $15,000 now, $5,000 more than Jasmine in second place. Ashley bet $3,000 again and she was RIGHT again.

Cezanne & Gauguin were leaders of this movement that came onto the scene a little after Monet & Renoir show

Ashley finished in the lead with a runaway $18,800. Jasmine was second with $15,600 and Jordan was last with $10,200. All clues were shown.

ALL of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Blanche DuBois is one of the main characters in Tennessee Williams’ famous play “A Streetcar Named Desire”. She arrives in New Orleans dressed in white for a stay with her sister, Stella. In the third scene, she meets Harold “Mitch” Mitchell and tells him her name, saying DuBois means wood in French and Blanche means white, “so the two together mean white woods.” All this whiteness, a symbol of purity, turns out to be ironic when it comes to light that Blanche has a shady past. Right off the bat, she misrepresents herself as Stella’s younger sister.

Marlon Brando (Stanley), Jessica Tandy (Blanche), Kim Hunter (Stella) and Karl Malden (Mitch) were the original actors in the 1949 Broadway debut of the play. Brando, Hunter and Malden all played the same roles in the 1951 film while Vivien Leigh took over the role of Blanche. Leigh, Hunter and Malden all won acting Oscars.

Jordan bet $1,800 and finished with $12,000.

Jasmine bet $5,000 and finished with $20,600.

Ashley bet $2,100 and won the game with $20,900. Ashley’s 4-day total is $67,400.

Final Jeopardy (12/17/2024) Ashley Chan, Jordan Carr Peterson, Jasmine Zhou

A triple stumper from each round:

BOOKS & AUTHORS ($1000) Use “The Power of Now” to name this German-born author of “The Power of Now”

WORLD HISTORY ($1600) After Alexander’s death, one of his generals began this Egyptian dynasty that lasted about 300 years until Cleopatra’s death

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “CLASSIC SONGS”

The shouts of excited children at a 1946 holiday parade are said to have inspired this perennial favorite show


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8 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Darn, I’m “blanching” because I missed FJ, even with a strong knowledge of French. I thought of Bianca and left it there.

    Terrific game, lots of knowable clues, but I think I missed all the stumpers. I sort of got the $600 vowel clue as Ken was revealing the answer.

    Ashley was fortunate to win with that puny wager. All I can think of is that she bet enough to pass Jordan if he doubled to $20400 and she also got FJ. Jasmine did the same, wagering $5K to edge out Jordan if he doubled and she got FJ. But Ashley took a big chance that Jasmine would bet small, and really should have bet close to $13K. I won’t quibble with Jordan’s small FJ wager, as he had to pray the two women bet big and missed Final. My wife used to say the person in 3rd should always bet $0, which is not always true.

    • Rick says:

      In my case, I came up with ‘blanca’ (Spansh), but that was as far as I could go (as my knowledge of French was limited).. On the other hand, Spanish is (more or less) my second language.

      • Howard says:

        I really should have nailed it, as “bois” means woods in French. That’s where Boise gets its name from.

  2. Rick says:

    I came late in today’s game as I was entertaining a guest. Anyways, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ was never one of our favorite films so I drew a blank in FJ. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.

  3. Ari Belenkiy says:

    Why do I like Ashley Chan? Because she always pronounce the first name of the person in question.

    • Jason says:

      The last name only is a Quiz Bowl thing – only give the least information, which is quicker and more efficient. If the Quizmaster needs more, the QM will state so, like “Roosevelt” – “need more” “FDR”. Like that.

      Since all clues have been revealed, she’s not taking too much time; when players do that, it’s evident – quite so, in some cases.

  4. Jason says:

    I was 3/3 on DD but missed FJ. (I was thinking “Alba Sylva?”) This was, finally, a high powered game.

    Not really happy, at all, with Ashley’s wagering. Had Jasmine wagered as might be expected, Ashley would have been left on the outside.

    The triple solve was refreshing.

    • VJ says:

      I know one actor who had “bois” in his given name at birth.
      Gerald Michael Charlebois became Michael Forest.