Final Jeopardy: French Artists (12-17-21)

Here are some more triple stumpers from the 12/17/2021 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

POETIC OBJECTS ($2000) “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” contains the sad line “I have measured out my life with” these utensils

CELEBRITIES ($400) With this man the Entertainer as host of the Emmys in 2021, the ratings went up from the previous year

($1600) This Houston native (image) was a student at Texas Southern University before her music career took off

LATIN MOTTOES & PHRASES ($2000) In 2021 communiter (together) was added to this Olympic motto that means “faster, higher, stronger”

The players got all the clues in BEFORE & AFTER, except the last one (*):

($200) Angling necessity that’s a high-flying track & field event
($400) Protective glove used to handle hot items on the stove that was the 2012 Republican nominee for president
($600) A frankfurter within Canis Major
($800) Experimental James Joyce novel requested from the hotel front desk to rouse you from sleep in the morning
($1000) Billionaire superhero & inventor of a miniature Arc Reactor / jellyfish relative of the Gulf Stream


Sneak Peek clues — MOVIE TAGLINES
($200) 1995: “Houston, we have a problem”
($400) 2010: “You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies”; what’s on your mind?
($600) 1992: “…a woman’s place is at home…first, second & third”
($800) 1994: “For Harry and Lloyd every day is a no-brainer”
($1000) 2010: “Get the hot girl. Defeat her evil exes. Hit love where it hurts”


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21 Responses

  1. Albert says:

    Alisa looks just like Ruthie from the tv show 7th Heaven.

  2. VJ says:

    Thanks for the Descartes joke, Jason, and the pronunciation pointer on the clue response.

    @Michael, thanks for setting that Hohenzollern Castle clue straight. Yikes!

    @Jacob, I’d also like to add my congratulations and thanks to the professors.

  3. Ismael Gomez says:

    The clues were mean to Alisa.

  4. Jason says:

    VJ wanted something positive, so here it is: Ed got it right with the hard G for Descartes. Alex and successors ALWAYS got/get it wrong. So, props to Ed! Likewise, Sam killed it on the math questions. The “mode” was directly in his wheelhouse!

    And, that reminds me of a joke. This is one of those you either get, or you don’t, but, I would be surprised if you erudite folks don’t.

    So, René Descartes is in a bar and finishes his beer.Bartender says, “Hey Descartes – you want another beer?” Descartes stands there for a moment, and say, “No, I don’t think so” – and, he disappears!

  5. Jacob Ska says:

    Congratulations Sam. See you in the TOC.

    Loved the collegiality between the contestants. First Tournament I can recall that focused on a specific occupation. The professors demonstrated good sportsmanship and class by agreeing to participate during a pandemic.

    Kudos to all of you for your generosity and willingness to put your research and lecture responsibilities on hold for a short period of time so Jeopardy could try something new and different.

    • Jason says:

      Yes, the collegiality was welcome. I didn’t see any poor sportsmanship, at all, and it was refreshing to see how sincere they were.

  6. Michael Renardy says:

    They really messed up with the question about Hohenzollern Castle. First of all, the castle is in Swabia, not Prussia, which was the expected answer (I know, I grew up within an hour’s drive from it!). Frederic William began the construction, but died before it was completed. Neither he nor any later King of Prussia lived there. The castle was never intended as a residence for the Kings of Prussia, but rather as a monument to their distant ancestors, who indeed inhabited a castle in the same spot during the middle ages.

  7. Travis says:

    I watch Jeopardy everyday and just wanted to give my opinion… I thought the material on the Professor Tournament was much harder than regular Jeopardy. I would especially say the Daily Doubles and Finals. I enjoyed the tournament and contestants, and am not complaining.

    • VJ says:

      I agree, Travis, particularly about the level of difficulty in Final Jeopardy! I only got 3 right out of 10 clues in the 2 weeks That means I got the answer right within 30 seconds (but not deducting any seconds for not having to write it down).

      Those 3 were in the quarter-finals. Holy smokes! I can’t remember another time when I didn’t get any right in a whole week!.

  8. VJ says:

    I did find it very funny today when all 3 contestants rang in on that Prufrock clue with wrong responses. I said the right answer out loud as soon as Mayim finished reading the clue. I’m watching the show with Nikki. She doesn’t know if I’m right or wrong (but she knows I know a lot of poems).

    Then Ed buzzed in with teaspoons. Mayim: “No.” Alisa buzzed in and tried tablespoons. Mayim: “No.” Then she offers it to Sam and he tries “spoons.” We both laughed when Mayim confirmed that I was right. (ha ha ha… told ya!!)

    The only thing that wasn’t funny about it — it was a $2,000 clue. Alisa couldn’t afford to be wrong on that because she was already $200 in the red. There were 11 clues left after that and she was only able to buzz in on one $400 clue. It wouldn’t have made any difference in the results, but she would have been able to participate in Final Jeopardy! if she just passed on Prufrock.

  9. Max says:

    Insipid! Hahaha. What a great description of this tournament. How many FJ’s did they get right? You can count them on one hand. And that pathetic DD wager when he had a chance? Holy Cow!

  10. Alfred Robert Hogan says:

    Thursday the rather easy PT FJ in WORLD WAR II GEOGRAPHY was a Triple Stumper. But today’s PT FJ was super hard and I had no clue at all in FRENCH ARTISTS.

  11. Louis Jin says:

    It’s too bad alisa couldn’t build up momentum today. But still congrats to Sam on his big win today. I remember visiting moma seeing some of seurat’s works. I liked this tournament but overall, will be very happy to see Amy back to continue her streak.

  12. klm says:

    just one of my million peeves from this forgettable tournament is Ed’s measly wager on his DD today when he knew he was trailing by a huge amount from yesterday.
    glad to turn my back on two weeks of insipid, uninspiring, and unknowledgeable contestants (yes, that includes the winner who shouldn’t have been here after that harebrained wager in the semifinal).
    pps: sorry for my rant VJ. i read your “wah wah wah” comment yesterday 🙂 but these so-called profs were just too much (or too little).

    • VJ says:

      well, maybe you just shouldn’t watch the show if it upsets you that much, klm. I’m not telling you what to do and I don’t mean that in a sarcastic way.

      You’re reminding me of my SVU recaps– the statistics showed a decent amount of people were reading the recaps but I had passed the point where I found the slant on that show silly and/or entertaining at all. I was seriously disliking the show. I tried to find something to like about it but I couldn’t so I just stopped watching it. That was a while ago. My daughter said she’d let me know if my two favorite characters made special appearances but so far they have not.

      • klm says:

        sorry VJ, meant no disrespect to the show or to you. for me the star of the show are the clues, and they are rarely upsetting. it’s the contestants sometimes and the host sometimes who annoy me. see mayim didn’t once say that the contestant could bet “up to a $1000” when a contestant had less than that amount.
        another reason this tournament didn’t capture my imagination is that there was no build up to it. no idea how the profs were chosen or anything. for us viewers, the contestants seemed to be pulled out of the blue and put onto this elite podium. at least with regular contestants, there is one previous-day champ that one can relate to and u also know the other two deserve their place on that stage.
        anyways, looking forward to normal proceedings from monday.

        • VJ says:

          Yesterday Ed bet $800 on a DD when he only had $600 without Mayim mentioning the $1000. I don’t know why she doesn’t say it but that shows the players know that rule.

    • Max says:

      I SO agree. Why even play?

  13. Kevin Cheng says:

    Actually, Alisa’s final score is $3,800. Because she finished DJ in the negative, she couldn’t play FJ! today but she had $3,800 from yesterday and that is her 2 day total. Also, for one of the first time that a player finished DJ in the negative or with no money in the second half of the finals, they just walked away from the podium. Usually, they just stay there and someone announced the final 2 day total.