Final Jeopardy: Foreign Words in English (11-5-20)

Here are 7 more triple stumpers from the 11/5/2020 Jeopardy! game:

LAW ($600) It means permission, like to search a dwelling; the Third Amendment speaks of this “of the owner” of a house

MUSIC VENUES ($1600) Early in his career, Elton John performed at this legendary L.A. club whose name is a synonym for a lyric poet

($2000) This cafe in a Nashville strip mall is famous for hosting an open mic night on Mondays

PEOPLES ($1600) Northern Norway, Sweden & Finland are home to these people also known as the Sami

21ST CENTURY BLACK & WHITE MOVIES ($2000) As keepers of the title beacon, Robert Pattinson & Willem Dafoe really let the isolation get to them in this 2019 film

AFTER EFFECT ($1200) The belief in the equality all people (Alex said this word was also acceptable)

($2000) 9-letter description of a flagrantly offensive error or omission

Answers to the Sneak Peek clues — ANATOMICAL IDIOMS:
($200) Madly in love: “head over ____”
($400) Ironically: “____ in cheek”
($600) Laugh uncontrollably: “bust a ____”
($800) Inseparable or “joined at the ____”
($2000) To be personally vested: “have ____ in the game”


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6 Responses

  1. Cece says:

    Hey VJ, wishing you smooth sailing through your procedure. We’ll see you back here soon, healthier and stronger (and more hell-bent in keeping us learning). Sending good vibes your way. 🙂

  2. Gary Thomas says:

    Why was Burt given credit for Mary Olsen? It’s three named Mary’s! He didn’t know Kate!!

    • VJ says:

      Gary, I would assume they gave it to him because Alex did not instruct the players that they had to give all 3 names. Also, they didn’t have “3-named” in quotes in the category title

  3. Lou says:

    Almost all the clues in today’s game are complete. Although that clue about tiggy winkle and jeremy fisher was easy for me. But sad that Devin didn’t get his third win but he played well.

    This was an evenly matched game since Burt has definitely what it takes to win several more games.

    • Howard says:

      Yes, good group tonight, although they left a few easy ones unanswered. That Beatrix Potter DD was simple and conceivably cost Devin $3600 and a possible win, depending on how future wagers would have been played.