Final Jeopardy: 19 Century Lit (11-4-24)

Here are some more clues from the 11/4/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

A VERY VANILLA CATEGORY ($200) The difference between regular vanilla ice cream & French vanilla is the addition of these, which also makes it yellower

($400) Dolly Parton’s mom’s recipe for this dessert, a southern specialty, of course includes a box of vanilla wafers

THE QUOTABLE OSCAR WILDE ($1000) A character in “A Woman of No Importance” claims, “Moderation is a fatal thing… nothing succeeds like” this

5, 5 ($1000) This 10-limbed invertebrate lives up to its name, with eyes the size of dinner plates

WORLD FLAGS ($2000) The 4 small stars on China’s flag were originally said to represent workers, peasants, capitalists & petty these

HEALTH & MEDICINE ($2000) The name of this painful mosquito-borne fever may come from Swahili for “cramp”, but there’s definitely a vaccine for it

THE “NE” ADD ($2000) Give “NE” help you can as you insert those 2 letters in a word that precedes “off course” & get this word for a facade ANSWER: show

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Shortly after her husband fells on his sword in 30 B.C., this royal got snakebit & was buried with her beloved
($400) Like many others on that 79 A.D. day, Pliny got no elder after succumbing to fumes from this volcano above the Bay of Naples
($600) On Feb. 24, 1836 William B. Travis wrote the “Victory or Death” memo from this landmark, but Travis & his men did not find victory
($800) On Oct. 16, 1946 Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel & 8 others were executed in this city
($1000) She & 3 Lincoln conspirators would be hanged in 1865 but 2 years later, only the jury was hung in her son’s trail


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9 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Brian was too animated for his own good. I can’t say being more chill would have won him the game, but, he looked like he was auditioning for… something.

    I got FJ, despite never reading Dumas (Père ou fils). Don’t tell the ghosts of my French instructors!

  2. Howard says:

    Oh my, Brian went up and down faster than the elevators in the Empire State Building. It was dizzying at times. That 3rd DD was tough, I just happened to know of it. FJ had to be one of the easiest ever. The French names were a handout on a silver platter.

    Lindsey seemed mired in quicksand for much of the match. At least she finished DJ with a respectable score. I knew her state capital answer would be allowed after the break. Somehow the desired answer came to me right away.

    Really, 3 smarties had no idea what makes French vanilla ice cream different, even given its color?

  3. Ismael Gomez says:

    I know William Weyser would say darn those daily doubles to Brian.

  4. Rick says:

    It was another great game, and Greg remained as champion. As for FJ, I took a wild guess, and went with ‘Kings’. Say VJ, what has been going on with the Jeopardy telecasts for the last month or so? I mean, the telecasts keep getting cut off during various segments of the show, and I miss some of the clues when this happens. In fact, this has occurred in FJ too.

    • VJ says:

      I don’t know Rick. You would have to check with your local station. Everyone has to deal with that now and then. As I have said before, if you miss FJ you can catch it on YouTube I don’t know what time zone you’re in. I think it’s usually up around 9 pm Central..

      Tomorrow there will be a lot of preemptions!

      • Rick says:

        I’m in the EST time zone, and this has occurred on the WKZO channel which is based in Kalamazoo, Michigan. These interruptions have happened both at my place (I use a roof antenna), and at my mother’s place (she has Xfinity).

        • VJ says:

          Sounds like it’s the station causing the interruptions and not the way you get the show.

          I can use YouTube TV or indoor antenna. So if the internet is down I can still watch it OTA. But if there’s breaking news, it’s tough luck.

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    You forgot to put that Lindsey had 400 after she had -1,200 because she was in the negative when we went into the second commercial break but before DJ! began she got out of the hole thanks to a reversal.