Final Jeopardy: State Songs (11-27-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (11/27/2024) in the category “State Songs” was:

Its 15 official state songs include 2 that mention moonshine & 3 played in 3/4 time

2x champ Kevin Laskowski, an Episcopal priest from Falls Church, VA, has now won $39,400. In Game 3, he takes on these two players: Drew Wheeler, a H.S. social studies teacher from Athens, GA; and Julia Schan, a stay-at-home Mom from Pleasanton, CA.

Round 1 Categories: Picture the Film – One Good “Turn” – Quoting the King James Bible – Slogans – Seas – The Day

Drew found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Slogans” under the $1,000 on the 11th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $1,800, $1,400 more than Julia in second place. Drew bet $500 and he was RIGHT.

In the 1980s this investors’ newspaper billed itself as “The Daily Diary of the American Dream” show

Drew finished in the lead with $3,500. Kevin was second with $3,400 and Julia was last with $1,600. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: On the Timeline – “E” Books – Biology – 4-Syllable Words – Food & Drink – The Worlds of TV

Kevin found the first Daily Double in “‘E’ Books” under the $1,600 clue on the 13th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $7,800, $600 more than Julie in second place. Kevin bet $3,000 but had no idea so he was WRONG.

This nonfiction Pulitzer winner is subtitled “Poverty and Profit in the American City”; the title happened to many families show

Julia found the last Daily Double in “4-Syllable Words” under the $1,200 clue with 2 clues left after it. She was in the lead with $9,600, $3,300 more than Drew in second place. Julia bet $1,000 but didn’t know so she was WRONG.

Also a math term; the police sometimes set one up to secure an area show

Julia finished in the lead with $8,600. Kevin was second with $6,800 and Drew was last with $6,300. All clues were shown.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


There’s just so much confusion online about Tennessee’s 15 state songs, even the State Government’s website doesn’t have a complete list. To get one, I went to Justia and looked up “Tennessee Code § 4-1-302. State Songs”, which has the entire list. Even though it says 2023, the 2024 songs are included, as noted by the amendments listed below the songs.

All the same, I made my own list and put it in a separate Tennessee Official State Songs post so I could add the note to #8 that yes, that is the 1772 Christian hymn, and also point out the “moonshine” songs.

Drew got it right. He bet $2,400 and finished with $8,700.

Kevin got it, too. He bet $6,799 and finished with $13,599.

Julia thought it was Louisiana. She lost $5,001 and landed in third place with $3,599. So Kevin remains champ with a 3-day total of $52,399.

Final Jeopardy (11/27/2024) Kevin Laskowski, Drew Wheeler, Julia Schan

A triple stumper from each round. (Please don’t put the answers in the comments)

THE DAY ($1000) In 2021 Joe Biden became the first U.S. president to formally proclaim this holiday that coincides with another in the fall

“E” BOOKS ($2000) It’s Nicola Yoon’s young adult tale of Madeline, who hasn’t left her house in 17 years–then a boy moves in next door…

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “FLAGS OF OUR HEMISPHERE”

The stars on this country’s flag represent states, 26 of them; unlike the USA’s, its “federal district” gets its own 27th star show


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8 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    So I got FJ. Just like Ken said, I said, “That’s waltz time!”.

    I was 2.5/3 on DD. That half is because I said “Eviction”, not “Evicted”. I got a little more than half of the TS. I did have a question to raise about the holiday, but I don’t want to give away any part of the answer. However, I am QUITE confident that they would give it to me!

    Maybe it’s me, but, were there a bunch of clues that had an initial wrong response, with the second or third in getting it correct? These numbers were very low.

    • VJ says:

      Jason, there were beaucoup triple stumpers. When I was in high school, we had to study the bible, and it was the KJV version. I’m guessing Kevin knew the answers but didn’t want to take a chance that the wording he knows is different than KJV.

  2. Howard says:

    Oh Julia, “3/4 time” and “moonshine” were gigantic hints. Patti Page is spinning in her grave.

    Other than the temporary organ, the stumpers and 2/3 DDs were not nice to me.

  3. Rick says:

    Hmmmm…………..we all came up with Alabama for FJ. Anyways, it was another splendid game, and Kevin again remained the champion.

    By the way, Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    With that third win, Kevin Laskowski is now in the Tournament of Champions. He’s now the 19th player to be in the 2025 TOC that will take place in January. The cutoff for the next TOC is December 6. There are two empty spots left.