Final Jeopardy: Sports & the City (11-19-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (11/19/2024) in the category “Sports & the City” was:

At 800 West Main & 700 Central in this city are a company & a venue both involved in Triple Crowns

2x champ Paul Clauson, a tax analyst from Madison Heights, MI, has won $36,300 so far. In Game 3, his challengers are: Mikey McCullough, a librarian from Baltimore, MD; and Chris Burge, a high school teacher from Farmers Branch, TX.

Round 1 Categories: People on U.S. Money – Timepieces – “Over” & “Under” – Y2K Memories – Billboard Music Awards – Landlocked & Loaded

Paul found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Landlocked & Loaded” under the $800 just after the break. He was in the lead with $4,200, $1,200 more than Chris in second place. Paul bet $3,000 and guessed Eswatini. That was WRONG.

At over 10,400 feet, Mount Kinyeti is the tallest point in this recently formed nation show

Chris finished in the lead with $6,400. Mikey was second with $4,200 and Paul was last with $2,600. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Literary Los Angeles – Musical Instruments – It’s Ruined – Sitcom Neighbors – Veterinary Medicine – French Crossword Clues

Mikey found the first Daily Double in “Musical Instruments” under the $800 clue with 7 clues left after it. She was in the lead with $17,000, $6,400 more than Paul in second place. Mikey bet $2,000 and she was RIGHT.

“Violon” can start the name of this instrument, one of the 4 main ones in the violin family show

Chris found the last Daily Double in “French Crossword Clues” under the $2,000 clue with 3 clues left after it. He was in second place with $7,600, $3,400 less than Mikey’s lead. Chris bet $6,000 and tried au present. That was WRONG.

Absolutely required by current fashion if you want to be au courant (2 letters & 7 letters) show

Mikey finished in the lead with $20,200. Paul was second with $11,000 and Chris was last with $1,600. 2 clues were not shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


The 2 addresses in today’s Final Jeopardy! clue are top tourist attractions in the city of Louisville, Kentucky. In fact, they are the first places mentioned in the first paragraph on Louisville Tourism’s website:

“With more than 120 attractions Louisville has something for everyone to see and do. The iconic Churchill Downs [100 Central Avenue] and Kentucky Derby Museum pay homage to the thoroughbred horse – a hallmark of what makes Kentucky so special. The bat of most major league baseball teams is made at Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory [800 West Main].” Both of these places are associated with Triple Crowns in two different sports: horseracing and baseball.

Chris got it right. He didn’t bet anything so his score remained $1,600.

Paul thought it was St. Louis. He bet and lost his whole $11,000.

Mikey settled on Lexington after starting to write Churchill Downs and crossing it out. She only lost $2,000, winning the game with the remaining $18,200. Mikey McCullough is the new Jeopardy! champ.

Final Jeopardy (11/19/2024) Paul Clauson, Mikey McCullough, Chris Burge

Reversal: “OVER” & “UNDER” ($400) It’s the problem with the photo seen here (showing an overexposed image)
Ken nixed Paul’s “oversaturation” reply. Chris tried “undersaturation” but Ken said no. Mikey got it with overexposure. The judges decided to accept “undersaturation” and Chris got $800 back.

2 triple stumpers from the last round. (Please don’t put the answers in the comments)

LITERARY LOS ANGELES ($1200) Laurel Canyon, the Sunset Strip & the Whisky are among the locales mentioned in this rockin’ 2019 bestseller by Taylor Jenkins Reid

IT’S RUINED ($2000) This historian pinpointed sunset on Oct. 15, 1764, amid the ruins of the Capitol, as the moment he decided on his life’s work

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “MUSICAL THEATER”

The pair at the center of tumult in this long-running show were originally to be a Jewish girl & a Catholic boy show


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4 Responses

  1. VJ says:

    I wonder if Chris would have had a better chance at that last DD if they hadn’t tied it to fashion. I think the fashion world adopted the expression and sticking “au courant” in the clue is what threw Chris.

    Forvo uses it in other sentences, like this one.
    De même le tabac était de rigueur car cela les maintenait éveillé.
    Translation: Also, smoking tobacco was required since it kept them awake.

  2. Howard says:

    At first, FJ led me to Salt Lake, which has some unusual addresses, but the sports genie in my head quickly gave me Louisville. Mikey played well and deserved to win, BUT it was right there for Paul in Final. (And had Chris hit the last DD, he likely would have won in the end. I thought my knowledge of French would get it, but I got “en vogue” stuck in my head even though it didn’t fit the 2-7 part of the clue.)

  3. Kevin Cheng says:

    There’s one reversal we didn’t see in this recap. It happened in the first round during the interviews.

    • VJ says:

      It’s fixed, Kevin. I was checking on the sneak peeks during the first break, so I came in on the chat right when Chris talked about his battle with stage 4 colon cancer. He explained that it is affecting young people more often and urged people not to ignore any symptoms, esp. if there’s a famly history of it.

      I believe it’s true that people have a much better chance of surviving cancer than they did 10 years ago. It’s been 4 years this month since I had my operation in Nov. 2020 and I have been in remission since this past January. I was stage 2 when I first found out but by the time they got done with the tests, it was stage 3! Alex Trebek didn’t get treatment till he was stage 4 but they were still able to help him fight it for 2 years.