Final Jeopardy: American Women (11-18-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (11/18/2024) in the category “American Women” was:

In 1900 she told a Mr. Dobson, “Get out of the way. I don’t want to strike you, but I am going to break up this den of vice”

New champ Paul Clauson, a tax analyst from Madison Heights, MI, won $15,201 last Friday. In Game 2, he is up against: Amy Fleenor, an attorney from Columbus, OH; and Jonelle Lonergan, a product manager from Boston, MA.

Round 1 Categories: James Abram Garfield – A Turn of Latin Phrase – Black – Simoleons, Moolah, Scratch, Money – At the British Museum – Wicked

Paul found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “A Turn of Latin Phrase” under the $600 with 9 clues left after it. He was in the lead with $3,400, $600 more than Jonelle in second place. Paul made it a true Daily Double and he was RIGHT.

Carpe diem, yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it before… now, carpe vinum, meaning this, we can get behind that! show

Paul finished in the lead with $8,000. Jonelle was second with $3,200 and Amy was last with zero. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Countries of the World – Tough 9-letter Words – Historical “T” – R&B & Soul – Literary Settings – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Paul found the first Daily Double in “Historical ‘T’” under the $1,600 clue on the 6th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $8,800, $3,200 more than Jonelle in second place. Paul bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.

This fort nestled between the Adirondacks and the Green Mountains was the site of a July 1777 siege show

On the next pick, Paul found the last Daily Double in “Literary Settings” under the $1,200 clue. He was in the lead with $11,800 now, $6,200 more than Jonelle in second place. Paul bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.

In a fantasy series: Dorne is in the south of it & the haunted forest, north of the wall show

Paul finished in the lead with a runaway at $21,200. Jonelle was second with $8,000 and Amy was last with $6,800. Two clues worth $800 were not shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Carrie Nation was born Caroline Amelia Moore in Kentucky in 1846. Carrie’s intense hatred of alcohol is believed to have its roots in her alcoholic first husband’s death. She later married David Nation and started a temperance movement. In 1900, she claimed to have received a call from God to “go to Kiowa” and bust up saloons. Off she went and Mr. Dobson was the unlucky recipient of Carrie’s first “smashers”, rocks she threw to wreck saloons before Mr. Nation came up with the hatchet idea.

It struck me funny that Ken said he believes the correct spelling is “Carry” Nation. Although I’ve always seen it as Carrie, the video I picked uses Carry, even on the sign “All nations welcome, except Carry.” According to Wikipedia, “The spelling of Nation’s first name varies; both ‘Carrie’ and ‘Carry’ are considered correct. Official records say ‘Carrie’, which Nation used for most of her life…. After gaining her notoriety, Carrie officially registered ‘Carry’ as a trademark.”

Amy wrote down Stanton, a leading womens’ rights activist.. She lost $1,201 and finished with $5,599.

Jonelle got it right. Her $7,999 bet brought her score up to $15,999.

Paul wrote down Hayes. He lost his $101 bet but won the game with the remaining $21,099. Paul’s 2-day total is $36,300.

Final Jeopardy (11/18/2024) Paul Clauson, Amy Fleenor, Jonelle Lonergan

A triple stumper from each round. (Please don’t put the answers in the comments)

More clues on Page 2

AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM ($1000) One of the oldest objects is a chopping tool from an ancient campsite found by Louis Leakey’s team at this Tanzanian gorge

COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD ($2000) In 1974 under King Hussein, this country granted women the right to vote

2 years ago:TWO of the players got this FJ in “PLAYS”

The January 12, 1864 Washington Evening Star reported on a performance of this “dashing comedy” to “a full and delighted house” show


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3 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I got FJ, and was 2/3 on DD. I have only trivial knowledge of GoT.

    Got about half the TS.

  2. Howard says:

    Got FJ right away but it was mostly a guess, and only the Fort DD. Those three players really cleaned my clock tonight. But I thought someone would remember the Portuguese currency and the government this.

    Women played well enough but had little chance against someone getting to try all 3 DDs and picking up $9400. Too bad Jonelle couldn’t quite stay within range entering Final.

  3. Rick says:

    I did about average in the game, and went with Susan B. Anthony (for lack of a better choice) in FJ. I don’t know about “the call from God” regarding Carrie Nation, but the vandal sure got quite a few calls from the police.