Final Jeopardy: Name’s the Same (10-31-23)

Here are some more clues from the 10/31/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

SOURCE OF THE LATE NIGHT BIT ($800) “Will It Float?”

($1000) “This Week in Numbers”

SHOW ME THE MONKEY ($200) Eagles & leopards are known to hunt De Brazza’s monkeys, but intrusion by these primates is their biggest threat

($1000) It’s the 5-letter name of the monkey seen here; what a tool

SEXY STUFF ($800) Muskrat love includes the formation of these monogamous “bonds” for the duration of breeding season

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — “E”ASY DOES IT
($200) These are found at the duller end of a pencil
($400) The obelisk in St. Peter’s Square was brought to Rome by Caligula from Heliopolis in this country
($600) One of the 2 official languages of the Pacific island kingdom of Tonga
($800) Despite an investment of over $250 million this car model seen here did not sell well in the U.S.
($1000) As a verb it means to consider valuable or regard with admiration; as a noun, it often follows “high” in a positive sense


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9 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Got the first two DD, but said chimera for the 3rd. Got FJ, but that was on instinct. Don’t know why I knew it, but I did. Then, the literary part (if you can call Archie comics “literature”) just fit.

    Interesting that Aaron wagered that Hari would be wrong, while Hari wagered that Aaron would be correct. Aaron showed his baseball chops, that’s for sure.

    And, Ken botched it, I think. Didn’t he say Charlotte came later in the list?

    And, with the first 3 clues being triple stumpers, I was thinking that that did not portend well. Fortunately, that did not come to pass.

  2. Howard says:

    Ouch, I came up with Charlotte during the musical interlude and figured it tied in with Charlotte’s Web. Unless you knew the 6th in line, that was one tough FJ.

    Nice comeback by Hari. I’d have guessed Picasso for that DD he missed.
    After Katie answered “mandrill” for the 5-letter monkey, she was out of the running till some late answers got her on the board.
    Surprised no one knew the zone that’s not the tropical zone.
    The show that had “Will it float?” initiated many comedy bits that changed the way late-night TV was produced.

  3. Jacob Ska says:

    VJ, I’m confused by your sentence under “What is Archie?” It states, “As you can see, once King Charles had children, they preceded Harry in the line of succession.” Do you mean Prince William? It appears that is the direction in which your write-up was going.

    • Howard says:

      Royalty is not my thing, but I’m guessing that William and Harry were first and second in line, but once William’s kids were born, they bypassed Harry in the line of succession. I assume that the reigning monarch’s first-born becomes next in line.

    • VJ says:

      Thanks, Jacob, for pointing that out. I actually meant Charles’ bro, Andrew. Before William came along, Andrew was next in line after Charles, then his daughters, Beatrice and Eugenie.

      • Jacob Ska says:

        You’re welcome. Personally, I prefer to free up space in my brain for more important facts than who succeeds whom in British royalty. Didn’t our country free itself from the British in 1776? No disrespect intended but their royalty is not our royalty.

        • VJ says:

          True, Jacob, but every time an American marries into or otherwise gets involved with royalty, the American press goes overboard with it!

        • Jacob Ska says:

          VJ, I agree the American press, and the press in general, goes overboard when it comes to royalty. Poor Princess Diana wasn’t even American and she got coverage which I felt was excessive before her tragic death. I have stopped trying to figure out the media a long time ago.