Final Jeopardy: 19th Century Names (10-3-24)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (10/3/2024) in the category “19th Century Names” was:

Shrunken auditory nerves were seen in his autopsy after his 1827 death in Vienna

3x champ Ryan Manton, a systems administrator from Columbus, OH, has now won $67,379. In Game 4, his opponents are: Adam Stewart, power engineer from Fort St. John, British Columbia; and Emily Stowell-Bui, a children’s librarian from Charleston, SC.

Round 1 Categories: People’s Sexiest Man Alive – Kiddy Lit – Brand Mascots – Beastly Rhyme Time – It’s Technical – Also a Papal Name

Ryan found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “It’s Technical” under the $800 after the commercial break. He was in second place with $1,000, $3,400 less than Adam’s lead. Ryan made it a true Daily Double and he was RIGHT.

The drum in a clothes dryer is an example of the basket type of this spinning device seen in many a lab show

Adam finished in the lead with $5,600. Ryan was second with $5,400 and Emily was last with negative $800. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: A Glimpse Into the Past – Film From Fiction – Archipelagos – Anciently Dramatic – Possessive Terms – Flip the First & Last Letter

Adam found the first Daily Double in “Archipelagos” under the $800 clue on the 2nd pick of the round. He was in the lead with $6,000, $600 more than Ryan in second place. Adam bet $2,000 and guessed Gibraltar. That was WRONG.

This archipelago about 60 miles off the coast of Morocco is Spain’s southernmost autonomous community show

Adam found the last Daily Double in “Possessive Terms” under the $1,200 clue with 8 clues left after it. He was in second place with $6,400, $8,200 less than Ryan’s lead. Adam went all in and tried a mast. That was WRONG, even if he had said somebody’s mast.

A structure of ropes & wooden steps for ascending the ship’s rigging, or something that appears in Genesis 28:12 show

Ryan finished in the lead with a runaway $15,800. Adam was second with $2,000. At negative $400, the game was over for Emily. All clues were shown.

BOTH contestants left in Final Jeopardy! got it right.


In 2006, The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh published a very thorough examination of “Beethoven’s terminal illness and death”. In addition to the autopsy report, Beethoven’s letters and reports by several eyewitnesses, including the attending physician at the time of Beethoven’s death. There’s a detailed description of the middle and internal ear and the left and right auditory nerves. They looked into the effects of lead ingestion on Beethoven’s overall health problems. They concluded that it was unlikely that lead was a cause of his deafness but it may have contributed to liver failure due to alcoholic cirrhosis.

I have to say I wonder how much money is spent on studies of people who died centuries ago. I remember watching such a study on King Tut years ago and the cost of it was just jaw-dropping!

Adam bet $100 and finished with $2,100.

Ryan didn’t bet anything so he won the game with $15,800. Ryan’s 4-day total is $83,179.

Final Jeopardy (10/3/2024) Ryan Manton, Adam Stewart, Emily Stowell-Bui

A triple stumper from each round. (Please don’t put the answers in the comments)

KIDDY LIT ($1000) In a fairy tale this title bird is brought to the emperor of China but is eventually replaced by a mechanical one

ANCIENTLY DRAMATIC ($2000) In a play by Aeschylus, Eteocles defends this city against the forces of Polyneices & 6 other chieftains

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS”

He served as Bishop of Lesotho from 1976 to 1978 show


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5 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I got FJ due to 1827. If it was 1793 or 94, that’s Mozart. Don’t recall any others.

  2. Howard says:

    Cinch FJ didn’t come to me till the final seconds. Ryan’s wimpy FJ bets are kind of perplexing. If there’s no risk losing the game, how many other times in life is someone going to pay you thousands of $$ to answer one question? He’s more interested in writing tributes to his wife.

    Hard to believe no one could deduce the Wm Harvey process or the plastered polecat. Or the $2K first/last letter clue.

  3. Rick says:

    Wow, towards the end of the show, I feared that Ryan was going to be the only one left to play FJ. Again, Ryan wagered nothing in FJ, and he likely won’t next time either if he doesn’t have to.

  4. McClellandryan184 says:

    Poor Emily becoming the first contestant this season to get dismissed before Final J! as she never got a chance to get out of the red.

    In other words, Congrats to Ryan on winning his 4th game.

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    First time this season that everyone got FJ! correct. Everyone left that is because it was one player short. Poor Emily, she spent all 60 clues in the red and never got out of the hole. I would darn those daily doubles to Adam because he missed both of them and it killed his chances and it knocked him out of contention but he did get a couple more clues correct to make it to FJ!

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