Final Jeopardy: The Roman Catholic Church (10-23-24)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (10/23/2024) in the category “The Roman Catholic Church” was:

This day involving the Holy Spirit & the apostles is sometimes described as the “birthday” of the church

New champ Will Wallace, a game design director from Austin, TX, won $18,799 so far. In Game 2, he takes on these two players: Sophia Maymudes, a software engineer from Seattle, WA; and Brett Kelly, an actor from Surrey, British Columbia.

Round 1 Categories: Some Cliffs, Sands or Buttes – A Quarter for Your Thoughts – Hello & Goodbye – 3 Words & a Comma or 2 – Literary Titles en Espanol – Be Witched

Sophia found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Some Cliffs, Sands or Buttes” under the $800 with 6 clues left after it. She was in the lead with $6,600, $3,600 more than Will in second place. Sophia bet $2,000 and tried Miner 49er even though she knew that was WRONG.

Buttes in the Sacramento Valley were named for this man in 1949, 100 years after his name came to fame show

Sophia finished in the lead with $6,200. Will was second with $4,400 and Brett was last with negative $1,200. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Quoth the President – Broadway’s Leading Ladies – Eponymously Yours – The Trojan War – Our 4-Legged Friends – An “Ode” to a Category

Sophia found the first Daily Double in “Our 4-Legged Friends” under the $1,200 clue on the 13th pick of the round. She was in the lead with $9,000 now, $2,600 more than Will in second place. Sophia bet $2,600 and came up with a bull. That was WRONG.

An artist/soldier created the French Army’s first camouflage unit & its insignia, this animal show

10 clues later, Sophia landed on the last Daily Double in “The Trojan Wars” under the $1,200 clue. After a run of bad luck, her score had dramatically dropped to a second place $2,800, $9,200 less than Will’s lead. Sophia bet $2,000 and guessed Titus Andronicus. That was WRONG.

In the title of a Shakespeare work, he is a son of King Priam and she is the daughter of Calchas show

Will finished in the lead with a runaway $10,800. Sophia was second with $2,800 and Brett was last with $0 so the game was over for him. All clues were shown.

NEITHER contestant left in Final Jeopardy! got it right.


According to the Catholic News Agency, Pentecost first occurred 50 days after Christ’s resurrection (Easter). The apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus were gathered together in the Upper Room when the Holy Spirit descended upon them and “there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them” (Acts 2:3). Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Church because it led Peter, the first Pope, to preach his first homily and baptize some 3,000 people.

Other Christian denominations observe Pentecost although, obviously, they don’t have popes. The “tongues” that descended on the apostles allowed them to speak in many different languages. That is why some denominations practice “speaking in tongues”, and why Pentecost is sometimes called “Babel reversed” (per the last Daily Double on 1/13/22).

Sophia thought it was Palm Sunday. She lost $206 and finished with $2,594.

Will picked All Saints Day. He lost $800 and won the game with the remaining $10,000. Will’s 2-day total is $28,799.

Final Jeopardy (10/23/2024) Will Wallace, Sophia Maymudes, Brett Kelly

A triple stumper from each round. (Please don’t put the answers in the comments)

3 WORDS & A COMMA OR 2 ($1000) It’s the 3-word motto of the United States Military Academy

OUR 4-LEGGED FRIENDS ($800) The souslik or European ground type of this is yellowish & lacks the proud tail of American types

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “CHARITY”

A Catholic charity called Caritas Rome is the beneficiary of money collected from here, over the years averaging about $3,500 daily show


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4 Responses

  1. Ismael Gomez says:

    Awful show. All 3 DDs were missed resulted a skunking and a double stumper in the final resulted our fourth epic fail on wagering clues. I hope tomorrow’s episode will be much better.

  2. Kevin Cheng says:

    I felt bad for Sophia. She played so well and I thought she was going to be the new champion, but she missed all three daily doubles and her attempt to catch back up didn’t work out well for her as she took a lot of incorrect responses knocking her out of contention. She was dangerously close to zero but did stay eligible for Final while Brett’s attempt to do so ended up short. Darn those daily doubles to Sophia and Brett wasn’t able to get any cash at all.

    • VJ says:

      I wasn’t paying that close attention in the second round so I was shocked when Sophia hit that last DD and only had $2,800. I had to go watch that round over. She held the lead until she lost $2,600 on the 4-Legged Friend DD, almost half way into the second round. Then she was tied with Will and he took over the lead on the next clue.

      Way too many stumpers in this game with bad guesses taken at roughly half of them.

    • Richard Corliss says:

      This is just like last Wednesday.

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