Final Jeopardy: Literary Geography (10-18-24)

Here are some more clues from the 10/18/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

TOO LITTLE ($400) From 1949 to 1957 the U.S. went through this climate event worse in some states than the one 20 years earlier

19th CENTURY PHOTOS ($1600) Robert Louis Stevenson is seen with his household in in the Pacific area he called by this alliterative term in a posthumous title

($2000) The Crimean War gave us “the valley of Death” in a poem, and this cannonball-strewn image with a longer title from Psalm 23

TWINNING ($2000) It’s the last name of twin playwrights Anthony & Peter; Anthony wrote “Sleuth” & Peter “Amadeus”

12-LETTER WORDS ($2000) Named for colorful hosiery, it’s an old-fashioned term for a female writer

BIOLOGY ($1200) Deglutition is the act or process of doing this

CHOREOGRAPHERS ($400) Pearl Primus was often inspired by black folk material as in a dance set to this spiritual about Michael & his vessel

($1600) He had no dance training but created the memorable dance numbers in such films as “Dames” & “42nd Street”

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

SNEAK PEEK CATEGORY: “OO” LATE (the answers all end in “oo”)
($200) We’re no sure how many words the Inuit have for snow, but the hard type used to build this is pukaangajuq
($400) In the “Marriage of Figaro”, the countess & her maid Susanna pretend to be one another–the ol’ this
($600) Flamboyant advertising, or to publicize in a showy way
($800) Another word for a cowboy, or a somewhat dismissive way to address a guy
($1000) 1940s movie star Veronica Lake was known for her hairstyle, dubbed this


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11 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Saw FJ and nothing else. Having spent my formative youth in Queens, I knew Sands and Kings Points well enough to lead me to East and West Egg. Good on all of them for getting it. Once again, DDs unkind to me.

    Re: FJ from 2 years ago: a bit surprised no one got that. My 10th grade English teacher taught us the symbolism of the knitting.

    The 5-word phrase/title was easy. Link to the climate event not functioning; what is it? Knew the twin playwrights; both titles mentioned were outstanding films. Never heard of deglutition, but it reminded me of the fancy term for sneezing (sternutation). The “oo” cowboy term was gettable.

  2. Rick says:

    Kelly just squeaked by in becoming the next Jeopardy champion. Congratulations to her! As for me, I did average in the game, and should have nailed the FJ.

  3. VJ says:

    Coincidence department: There’s a Gunsmoke episode with a character named Kyle Kelly. He was portrayed by the same actor who played Festus Haggen on that series. It would be really funny if they get two contestants name Ken and Curtis (the actor’s name).

    Some of those stumpers were way out there but I knew the “oo” ones. My father used to call me Veronica Lake if my hair fell across my eyes. My great grandson got the short version of the cowboy nickname after I bought him a stick horse and cowboy hat.

  4. William Weyser says:

    Someday, we’ll get another 4, 5, or more day champion, so that, the TOC chances will look better, but today is not that day. Oh, well. Maybe, next time.

    • VJ says:

      Rishabh might have gone home yesterday if Aaron hadn’t decided to go whole hog on his second Daily Double, after playing it safe on his first.

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    Finally all three players got FJ! correct for the first time this season. It took 30 games for that to happen this season.

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