Final Jeopardy: Letters of the Artist (10-17-24)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (10/17/2024) in the category “Letters of the Artist” was:

In 1896 he wrote, “My prices are 2000, 3000 & 4000 dollars for head & shoulders, 3/4 length & full-length respectively”

2x champ Rishabh Wuppalapati, a Univ. of Pennsylvania undergrad from Vernon Hills, IL., has now won $42,402. In Game 3, his opponents are: Angel Poe, an educational consultant from Navarre, FL; and Aaron Brown, entrepreneur & trivia host from London, Ontario.

Round 1 Categories: Picture the Hit Song – Planted by – Around the U.S. – The App & Website Us”er” – Recent Slang – That Blows!

Angel found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Planted By” under the $800 on the 10th pick of the round. She was in last place with negative $1,000, $4,600 less than Aaron’s lead. Angel bet $1,000 and didn’t know. That was WRONG.

These trees at Rideau Hall, home of Canada’s Governor-General, include plantings by Haile Selassie and King Baudouin of Belgium show

Aaron finished in the lead with $6,800. Rishabh was second with $1,800 and Angel was last with negative $1,200. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Historic Slogans & Mottoes – The Books of Mormons – Women’s Organizations – Biopic Subjects – Horsing Around – “I_I_I”

Aaron found the first Daily Double in “Women’s Organizations” under the $1,200 clue on the 13th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $10,800, $600 more than Rishabh in second place. Aaron bet $2,000 and said he wasn’t sure so he was WRONG.

Founded in 1929 to promote the values of Hellenism, the daughters of her is named for the patient wife of Odysseus show

Just 2 clues later, Aaron found the last Daily Double in “The Books of Mormon” under the $1,200 clue. He was in the lead with $10,400, $200 more than Rishabh in second place. Aaron bet all of it and had a part of the answer so he was WRONG.

One heck of a labyrinth is the only way out in this 2009 James Dashner novel show

Rishabh finished in the lead with $15,400 and Aaron was second with $1,600. At negative $400, Angel was out of the game. One clue worth $400 was not shown.

NEITHER contestant left in Final Jeopardy! got it right.


John Singer Sargent, acclaimed portrait painter of the Gilded Age, wrote to W.G. Peckham, quoting the prices mentioned in the clue. They say: “Sargent’s fee for a full length portrait was four-thousand dollars, while at that time an average artist would have charged four hundred.” The letter is shown on Page 2 of this pdf file, which also has a lot of info and images.

Watch this video for a visit to a John Singer Sargent exhibit at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Aaron thought it was Rodin. That cost him $912 and left him with $688.

Rishabh went with Degas. He lost $5,000 but won the game with the remaining $10,400. His 3-day total is $52,802.


2 triple stumpers from HORSING AROUND: (Please don’t put the answers in the comments)

($1600) In his 2 years of racing, 1919 & 1920, he won 20 of 21 races; in 1999, he was named Horse of the Century

($2000) In the “Lord of the Rings” books, Gandalf the Wizard is the one who tames & rides this “Lord” of horses

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “INTERNATIONAL BORDERS”

2 of the 3 countries that share land borders with Russia & China show


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5 Responses

  1. rhonda says:

    Thanks so much for the Sargent video, VJ.

  2. Rick says:

    I did about average in today’s game, and missed the FJ. For lack of a better choice, I went with the French artist Monet. Yes, I was fully aware that the clues were referring to an American artist. As for John Singer Sergeant, I never heard of him until now. Gee, he sure didn’t want much for his portraits, but I suppose that the wealthy could easily afford them. In any case, I’m sure that those portraits were worth every cent. Wow, I couldn’t dare to imagine what each of those portraits would be worth now.

  3. McClellandryan184 says:

    So Angel becomes the second player this season to receive a dismissal from the game as she was in the red for the entire game.

  4. Ismael Gomez says:

    Disappointed show as all 3 DDs were missed resulted our fourth shutout and a double stumper in the final resulted our third epic fail on the wagering clues. I hope tomorrow’s episode will be much better.

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    Not the best day for our challengers today. Angel was unable to get out of the hole in the entire game and didn’t make it to Final while Aaron started off well, had a big lead over Rishabh going into DJ! but he missed both daily doubles knocking him out of contention. Darn those daily doubles to him.

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