Final Jeopardy: Sitcoms (10-1-24)

Here are some more clues from the 10/1/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

NAME THE CLASSIC BAND: A READING ($800) “Drivin’ down your freeways / Midnight alleys roam / Cops in cars / The topless bars / Never saw a woman / So alone… L.A. woman”

SIR WALTER RALEIGH ($400) From 1600 to 1603 Raleigh served as governor of this largest of the Channel Islands, improving its defenses

($2000) In this work Edmund Spenser used Raleigh as a model for Timias, a squire who woos the “heavenly born” Belphoebe

THE NAME GAME ($1200) The ancient Greek philosopher Aristocles is better known by this name possibly derived from his broad physique

($2000) “rid” is a Scandinavian root meaning “beautiful”, as in Ingrid & this name of the Swedish princess seen here image

AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL ($400) In spring, California comes alive with these, the state flower

($800) 900 feet wide with a 212-foot drop, Shoshone Falls in this state has been called the “Niagara of the West”

“C” TO SHINING “C” ($2000) These jars preserved the viscera of a dead person in Ancient Egypt

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) No one knows where this exclamation of surprise came from but it probably was not inspired by Mrs. Ross or by Davy Crockett’s rifle
($400) It’s what “Amor Vincit Omnia” translates to
($600) The Bible tells us “for wisdom is better than” these gems “and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it”
($800) Don’t draw premature conclusions is the meaning of “one” of these birds “does not make a summer”, attributed to Aristotle
($1000) Dating back to Chaucer, it’s sort of the canine equivalent of “Don’t Rock the Boat”


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12 Responses

  1. Ismael Gomez says:

    I hope William Weyser will say darn those daily doubles to Mike.

  2. Howard says:

    No sign of the show on my onscreen guide, so I have to assume we’re not getting it, at least not tonight.

    I guessed “Office” for Final only because I know it was a Brit show first. But it didn’t really win the Golden Globe in 2023, did it? Maybe 2003?

    Got 2/3 DDs (totally lucky guess on the moon rock). Should have known the VT ski town, darn. LA Woman band; California state flower, Spenser work all in my storehouse.

    I don’t agree that Mike should have bet it all in FJ, as a wrong answer would have doomed him to a 3rd-place finish. But nothing to lose by betting $8799.

    • VJ says:

      Yes, Howard, 2003.

      Mike had nothing to gain by betting anything either. He couldn’t beat Ryan and Brooke couldn’t beat him.

      I was surprised that Ryan didn’t know Spenser’s work. He did so well in the poetry category.

      • Rick says:

        On the contrary VJ, Mike could have wagered everything in Fj, and simply gambled that Ryan had decided to place a bet, and subsequently lost his wager. I mean, that certainly couldn’t have been the first time in FJ that such a scenario came to pass. In Mike’s situation, he had absolutely nothing to lose by betting the store.

  3. Rick says:

    Wow, another great game, and I did splendidly well! In fact, some of my guesses struck gold. Mike should have went for broke in FJ by betting everything. With that being said,, all Ryan had to do was to bet nothing to remain champion. Personally, I haven’t watched sitcoms for years so I didn’t have a clue regarding the FJ.

  4. VJ says:

    I had to laugh at the $200 clue in Familiar Phrases: the exclamation of surprise probably “not inspired by Mrs. Ross” — Coincidentally, I ended the Yesterday on Wheel of Fortune post with that expression (after the lady missed out on $72K!) because an old Burry Cookie jingle had been playing in my head.

    • rhonda says:

      I don’t think I’d ever heard of Burry’s cookies. Imagine a coupon for 7 cents off!

      • VJ says:

        Yes, Rhonda, seeing that 7 cents coupon was a hoot. I still remember when we said we noticed the S&H green stamps clue in 2017. I bet they never bring them up again.

        • rhonda says:

          Yes, VJ, the S&H green stamps clue, I remember that, too. I can’t believe it was 7 and a half years since they had that clue!! Time just keeps going faster and faster.

    • Jason says:

      The Burry Bakery made Girl Scout cookies for many years!

      • VJ says:

        So Burry Burry good, so Burry Burry good … that was part of the jingle. I don’t know why these things that I heard decades ago pop into my head randomly yet, sometimes, I can’t remember things that happened yesterday 😲

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