Final Jeopardy: American History (10-1-21)

Here are some more triple stumpers from the 10/1/2021 Jeopardy! game:

SPIN CYCLE ($200) You’ll also need handsticks if you’re buying these to spin in your juggling act, as Senor Wences did

GERUNDS ($1000) Involving papers to be kept as a record, it’s the process of delivering claims to a court


ALLITERATION ($1200) To have fun, to enjoy oneself; a character in Shakespeare “must” do this “with the Duchess’ gold”

($1600) The middle horse has this condition, kind of the opposite of bow-legged

($200) 2018: “Ant-Man and the ____”
($400) 2018: “The Girl in ____ ____ ____”
($600) 1938, a Disney “Silly Symphony”: “____ and the Flame”
($800) 2002, desert battles in the ancient world: “The ____ King”
($1000) 1958, remade in 1986:”The ____”


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17 Responses

  1. Robert says:

    What is “new second place record?” Is it a participation award? Is it really a record?
    Achievement, perhaps, but not a record.

    • VJ says:

      @Robert, I’d say it’s both a record and an achievement. Up until yesterday and since 5/31/19, James Holzhauer held the No. 2 spot for most consecutive games won on the Jeopardy! Hall of Fame page.

    • Jacob Ska says:

      @Robert, perhaps you should correct TV Insider too. The headline there reads “Matt Amodio Breaks Another ‘Jeopardy!’ Record with Second Most Consecutive Wins.” There are also other media that use the word “record” when referring to Matt’s 1 October 2021 win. I guess you’ll really be busy today correcting all of them.

  2. Howard says:

    Anyone who doesn’t know that the SF earthquake and fire occurred in 1906 does not deserve to be on Jeopardy.

    • Albert says:

      That is highly unfair. That is similar to saying that people who picked ‘Federal Express’ over ‘H&R Block’ in a Final Jeopardy years ago should never have been allowed on Jeopardy.

  3. John Christian says:

    James Holzhauer must be punching in the air right now.

    • Darius Scott says:

      Yeah. Matt won 33 games and James Holzhauer is shocked that he is in third place for the top most consecutive wins ever in jeopardy! history.

  4. Albert says:

    Matt is like a male version of James Holzhauer.

  5. Jeopardy! lover says:

    Wow! James Holzhauer must be upset. Go Matt! I know if you keep doing what you’re doing, you can keep winning!

  6. Alfred Robert Hogan says:

    History AND journalism are two of my favorite/best JEOPARDY! categories and this combines them. But I thought this FJ was rather obvious. Congratulations to Matt Amadio on achieving 33 straight wins and being #2 only to the amazing Ken Jennings. Dr. Mayim Bialik is doing an outstanding job as host and making us fellow vegans — as well as all scientists and Jewish people — so proud.

  7. Elan Xu says:

    He has now broke James Holzhauer’s record of 32 games.

  8. VJ says:

    @Rhonda, your relatives turned up in the Science category today:
    ($2000) It’s the common term for animals of the order Lagomorpha 🤣🤣

    @Jacob, this clue in the Gerunds category made me think of you: ($400) Of all sad words of tongue or sign, the saddest are “We no longer validate” this — a play on your favorite John Greenleaf Whittier quote

    I really liked the “The Bands They Fronted” category today. The only one I couldn’t get the answer out before Matt was David Lee Roth. LOL! That ticked me off a little because David Lee Roth was my pick for the 1980s “hottie” in this recent article. However, I did get the Ricky Martin TS (he was an ’80s nominee in that article.)

    • Darius Scott says:

      They will probably lose. I am, however, probably wrong, still though.

    • rhonda says:

      Yes, VJ! My esteemed lapin relatives made another Jeopardy appearance lol! And in yet another coincidence, I was considering going with “lagomorphs” for our upcoming game this Sunday!

    • Jacob Ska says:

      @VJ, you know me too well because I flipped out when that clue popped up. Thanks for remembering.

  9. Lou says:

    Another successful win for Matt today despite not getting that final daily double. if he had gotten it he would have won 60000 dollars but still 50K is pretty good today. Speaking of San Francisco, the 1906 earthquake event is still etched in our memories. Matt was quick on the buzzer today and his opponents couldn’t catch up. As you mentioned VJ friday clues will always present a challenge. Another week of clean sweeps for our super champ to start off october. I am happy that he won game 33 today. Keep the wins going matt