Final Jeopardy: Animals in Science (1-9-25)

Here are some more clues from the 1/9/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

WORLD HISTORY ($600) Erzherzog, German for this, was a bad luck title for some, like Rudolph, the heir to the Austrian throne who died at age 30 in 1889

($1000) Starting in 1947, millions fled what’s now Bangladesh to this capital of India’s West Bengal state, increasing its crowding issues

ALL AROUND THE U.S. ($1000) A passageway called the Rigolets helps connect the Gulf of Mexico with this large 13-letter lake

LITERARY BIOGRAPHY ($1600) “Dharma Lion” is a 1992 biography of this Beat-nik, then America’s most famous living poet

ALL IN THE FAMILY ($2000) Charles Darwin’s maternal grandfather was a master potter who gave his name to this collectible ceramic ware

OCEANIA ($1200) Fiji’s main commercial export is this product, collected from natural sources & sold globally

CLASSIC TV ($1200) He played Pa Ingalls on “Little House on the Prairie” & a probationary angel on “Highway to Heaven”

($1600) A tribute to TV moms at the 2024 Emmys included Meredith Baxter, who played Elyse Keaton on this sitcom

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Expelled from the legal profession, like Jess Winger before he began teaching community college
($400) You’re in “dis” state of fear & faintheartedness, also da month when da horses will run da Kentucky Derby
($600) Aha! Eureka! Seville’s 1992 World’s Fair had the theme “The Age of” this
($800) With better drug testing, the women’s winning throw in this event at 2004’s Summer Olympics was 30′ shorter than the 1988 world record
($1000) On Wikipedia, it’s differentiating same-named entries, like Anne Hathaway, actress & Anne Hathaway, Mrs. Shakespeare.


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7 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    My showing was pre-empted by a special about the Bills, playing some game with a ball this weekend. I’ll check out earlier tomorrow where they moved it. So, all I get is from this recap.

    1/3 on DD. Said USAFA and couldn’t come up with Oz. Got FJ (natch).

  2. Howard says:

    I remember when monkeys were sent into space, but it was the blood antigen that gave it away for me.

    “Colorado” and “America’s Mountain” practically gave away that first DD.

    Knew the writer of the lyrics; the Beatnik poet was a cinch; the Meredith Baxter sitcom (coincidentally, earlier today I was trying to remember the actor who played her husband–his sister was on SNL); Pa Ingalls actor (he grew up in a neighborhood not far from mine).

    I liked seeing Anne Hathaway’s cottage long ago in Stratford-upon-Avon. It was away from the touristy main part of town.

  3. William Weyser says:

    I hope Drew can pull off a comeback and win this week’s Second Chance. Sam has the same goal.

  4. Rick says:

    I did well below average in the game tonight as I didn’t find that those clues were any too easy. No one knew the star of “The Little House Of The Prairie’? Huh? Well anyways, as for FJ, I instantly came up with ‘monkey’ which I hoped would have been sufficient. Surely Ken would have accepted it?

    • VJ says:

      No, Rick, rhesus had to be part of the answer for sure. Why else would they put in the part about the antigen?

      I wondered if the players would have known the Pa Ingalls actor if they showed him as Little Joe Cartwright. I think Bonanza is better known than Highway to Heaven.

      On the Battle Hymn of the Republic author, her daughters wrote that Pulitzer prize-winning biography.

      • Richard Corliss says:

        VJ, you haven’t forgotten that Celebrity Jeopardy! was starting have you?

        • VJ says:

          Well, Richard, I know it’s on, but I didn’t watch it. Same with Pop Culture Jeopardy! Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on your perspective), I need a lot of sleep and I just can’t keep up with all these Jeopardy! spin-offs.

          Talk about overdoing it! Michael Davies is giving new meaning to the word.

          Anyway, I’ll try to think of something. Maybe I’ll just look at the FJ! rounds and do a quarterfinals recap, semifinals etc.

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