Final Jeopardy: Continental Geography (1-4-23)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (1/4/2023) in the category “Continental Geography” was:

Until a 1903 secession, this country’s contiguous territory spanned 2 continents

New champ Lloyd Sy, a graduate student in literature orig. from Rockford, IL, won $24,490 yesterday. In Game 2, he takes on these two players: Francis Englert, a line cook from Scotch Plains, NJ; and Sarah Palmer, an executive assistant from Monterrey, CA.

Round 1 Categories: On Your State’s Left – Buy, & Large – Surnames – The Actors in That Movie – Start “Off” – Write Foot

Sarah found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Surnames” under the $1,000 on the 10th pick of the round. She was tied in the lead with Lloyd at $2,400, $200 more than Francis in second place. Sarah made it a true Daily Double and said Schwartz. That was WRONG.

This 7-letter German surname is the equivalent of blacksmith or metalworker show

Lloyd and Francis finished in a tie for the lead with $6,200. Sarah was last with $2,200. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Transportation – The National Past Time – TV Theme Songs – The Silent Type – Just a Little Nuclear Physics – Oh My Gods!

Sarah found the first Daily Double in “Oh My Gods!” under the $1,200 clue on the first pick of the round. The scores were the same as above. Sarah bet $2,000 and she was RIGHT.

This group of early Greek gods includes Hyperion & Phoebe show

Lloyd got the last Daily Double in “The National Past Time” under the $1,200 clue on the 7th pick of the round. In the lead with $10,200, he had $4,000 more than Francis in second place. Lloyd bet $4,000 and he was RIGHT.

After World War I Iraq was controlled by Great Britain as a mandate of this international organization show

Lloyd finished in the lead with $20,200. Francis was in second place with $14,200 and Sarah was last with $8,200. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Before November 1903, Panama was part of Colombia. The USA wanted to build a canal across the Panamanian isthmus, connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, but negotiations between the USA and Colombia dragged on for most of 1903. Finally, in November, Panama declared independence from Columbia with the help of the USA and plans for the canal went forward. But if that’s what the clue was about, the category should have been History & Geography.

Looking into the continent angle, I don’t think Panama was considered part of North America while it was part of Columbia. This 1900 map of the Western Hemisphere shows North America in light pink and South America, including Panama, in off white.

Also, the Omniatlas website has a bunch of maps related to South and Central America, with interesting historical blurbs. Going by color again, the 1899 Republic of Acre map shows that Panama was considered a part of South America at that time. Then if we look at the South America 1903: Panamanian Rebellion map, it is no longer connected to South America via Colombia.

Sarah thought it was Turkey. She lost $2,201 and finished with $5,999.

Francis chose Russia. That cost him $6,000 and left him with $8,200.

Lloyd got it right. His bet $8,888 and won the game with $29,088. That gave Lloyd a 2-day total of $53,578.

Final Jeopardy (1/4/2023) Lloyd Sy, Francis Englert, Sarah Palmer

2 triple stumpers from TRANSPORTATION:

($1200) 100 years ago in 1923, Warren Harding drove a spike to complete the railroad named for this state, today with majestic bridges

($2000) The 1912 Classic Six was the first production car to bear the name of this man born in Neuchatel Canton, Switzerland

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “French History”

“I told my plans to no one. I was not killing a man, but a wild beast that was devouring the French people.” show


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11 Responses

  1. William says:

    Colombia = the country.
    Columbia = the university.

  2. Henry Buckskin Lewis says:

    What was the cork or quark question where the answer was strange?

    • Jason says:

      The clue listed 5 of the quarks, up, down, top, bottom, and charm, and asked for the last one, which was strange (that’s the name of the quark).

  3. Jason says:

    I said Turkey. Oh well! Got the two TS on page 2.

    I’m just doing to say it outright – Lloyd is annoying. I don’t think it’s tics, but, volitional.

  4. Lou says:

    Happy to see Lloyd winning again.

  5. Rick says:

    Well then, the FJ was in error. I mean, all of Columbia was located in South America prior to the 1903 secession of Panama, and so it obviously did not span two continents. Anyways, I picked Prussia for FJ which wasn’t altogether a bad choice. Either way, there was no possible correct response for FJ.

  6. Travis says:

    That final was pretty hard to me. I guessed Egypt and was way off.

  7. Sam in Seattle says:

    I guess many folks know construction of the Panama canal began in 1903 but the rest of the clue is hopelessly ambiguous. I also checked the Omniatlas, VJ, and agree it seems to contradict the FJ answer.

    Once again, I wish the Jeopardy clue writers would confine their “answers” to verifiable facts.. I can tolerate poorly written clues but it’s frustrating when several sources contradict each other. That said, congratulations to Lloyd for winning his second game. I’m also looking forward to seeing Ray Lalonde in the TOC.