Final Jeopardy: Palindromic Dates (1-28-25)

Here are some more clues from the 1/28/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

WORLD WAR II FACTS ($600) Vasily Zaitsev killed 225 people at this 1942 battle & later was played by Jude Law in a 2001 film

NOISES ($1000) The makers of the Inspire implant measure its success partly in reduction of this noise

LITERARY SWINE ($600) Gub-Gub the pig is this man’s friend & accompanies him on his overseas adventures

($1000) Jodie, a phantom pig with red eyes, shows up in this Jay Anson book about a terrifying possessed house in suburban New York

UNCLE KEN’S CASA DE PRE-OWNED VEHICLES ($800) Okay, okay, Ralph Nader called this model that debuted in 1960 a one-car accident, but ain’t it cute

A WINGED CATEGORY ($1600) The Tony Award is named for this actress, director & co-founder of the American Theater Wing

($2000) Born in Lebanon, he wrote “The Broken Wings”, a poetic novel set in Beirut & first published in Arabic in 1912

FROM TV SHOW TO FILM ($1200) Ben Stiller & Owen Wilson filled the title roles in this 2004 film based on a 1970s cop show

($2000) When this movie based on an ’80s show begins “Numb/Encore” plays over a scene at a Florida nightclub

ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES ($2000) Plato had his Academy & Aristotle had this school, the ruins of which were discovered in Athens in 1996

IN COMPATIBILITY ($400) It’s pretty obvious there’s one in the cleu

($800) It somehow means both pleasant, mild weather & foolish or insane

($1200) “Jaws” taught everyone that this, “as you know, means friendship”

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas–in Spanish, so I’m saying this 2-word phrase
($400) This Hebrew toast means “To Life!”
($600) It’s a German way to say, “Thank you very much” even though the second word actually means “beautiful”
($800) Headed to New Orleans for Mardi Gras? Use this Cajun French phrase that means “Let the good times roll”
($1000) It’s how an Ancient Roman would tell you “Beware of Dog”


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10 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    A most underwhelming game; even more so, considering it’s the ToC. Grant took a real shot at his personal record of 11 misses, but his surge from -4400 to +3200 was admirable. Amy wagered in FJ to lock him out but not enough to win if David wagered small. The clues were quite difficult overall. I did manage to get the last two DDs but not Final.

    Got the haunted NY house; the Nader car; the Tony namesake (no way were they going to get that one). I liked knowing the 5 foreign phrases, a bright spot on a dark night.

    • Jason says:

      You said everything I came here to say, buddy. Underwhelming. I got those same 3 that you specified. I’m surprised that they didn’t mention “Unsafe At Any Speed” for Nader.

      That FJ was just goofy.

  2. Rick says:

    Amy’s low wager in FJ had paid off handsomely for her as she emerged the champion. Congratulations Amy! As for me, I did about average in the game. Regarding the FJ, I had no idea whatsoever (as it was again a tough one).

  3. Ismael Gomez says:

    Very tough day for the contestants as we got another triple stumper in the final. Palindromic Dates was also a tough final.

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    Today’s game was a tough material. All three players played very poorly as the material was so tough and low-scoring game. Grant picked up a whopping 10 incorrect including Final as he kept guessing. He also picked up 11 correct in his original run but still won his 4th game. This game was similar to exactly three months ago today which was October 29, 2024 when all three players also played poorly with difficult game material and low-scoring game. Ugly Tuesday game again with low scores and lots of triple stumpers.

    • William Weyser says:

      We’ll try to do better tomorrow. Hopefully, someone will get a right response in FJ!, and hopefully, my day tomorrow will be Less Frustrating/More Fun. At least, 1 good thing happened today. My pick won.

    • Howard says:

      11 INcorrect, per his interview tonight.

  5. VJ says:

    I was intrigued by that clue about Bulgaria, Greece and the city of Edirne in the third county and I found a YouTube of a couple cycling along that route so you really see what it looks like. I thought it was pretty cool. You see the sign for Edirne at the end (13:36)

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