Final Jeopardy: Geography Mnemonics (1-17-23)

Here are some more clues from the 1/17/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

DURING THE LIZ TRUSS WEEKS ($800) Near the end of September, winds of this hurricane hit 155 mph, driving a storm surge toward Fort Myers, Florida

A LITTLE WORLD HISTORY ($800) Having time to draw a cross of his own blood on the ground, Francisco Pizarro was killed in this city in 1541

SCIENCEY STUFF ($1600) You’ll get an “A”, but won’t give one by naming this computer programming language with a name 3 characters long

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) These critters are sometimes derisively called trash pandas
($400) “Trial” item metaphorically floated to gauge public reaction
($600) As a verb it can mean to turn out well or to come next in a series
($800) Types of these in the Senate include budget & judiciary
($1000) Anglers know parts of it include the barb, the eye & the bend


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7 Responses

  1. Jacob Ska says:

    Speaking for myself I think it is unfair to criticize contestants from Massachusetts, New York, and Canada for missing today’s fj. It is not as if Arkansas is on anyone’s radar lately. The last time it was probably on most people’s radar was when Bill Clinton was President. The fact that we had to memorize the USA map in elementary school does not mean it’s on our minds as adults daily. Some people continue to study it as a hobby such as using Sporcle which VJ provided a link to today.

    Furthermore, I don’t know if contestants are told before the game when the show will air. If they were told they may have had Alabama on their mind because of the MLK holiday and an earlier clue that alluded to him in the game. I give them credit for at least not writing Alaska or Arizona. 😂

  2. Howard says:

    A very uneven show, in light of the stumpers, missed DDs, and FJ. The giant-killer went down, and even a correct FJ would not have saved her.

    The Spielberg movie, the Pizarro city, and the last DD were not difficult. I’d seen the diagram of the chef on Facebook in the past, but for anyone who hadn’t, it was simple geography to go south from Iowa and name the A and L states.

    • VJ says:

      @Howard, my brother has lived in Texas for a lot longer than I have (orig. from NJ) and he went with Alabama. “What”, I exclaimed, “didn’t anyone ever get you a fruitcake from Texarkana?” 🤣🤣🤣

      We had a good laugh over that because several years ago, someone sent me one and I gave it to him. (I hate fruitcake!)

  3. Jason says:

    Well, that was a rather lower scoring affair. The players didn’t strike me as very erudite. That second DD in DJ, I thought, was easy. What, should they have put “Byzantium” or Christian emperor into the clue?

    I’ve never heard of MIMAL, but, I got it. I even said that someone would say “Alabama”.

    Oh well. I do hope the Canadian fellow can string a few together!

  4. travis says:

    I thought the final was kinda easy. The states all border each over going from North to South.

  5. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we got another triple stumper as today’s final was also a tough one.