Final Jeopardy: Countries of the World (1-14-25)

Here are some more clues from the 1/14/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

AS THEY SAY… ($400) A proverb says, “A new broom” does this

1980s MONSTER TRUCKS ($800) A Camaro body? Why not? Also, why not give it the name of this Roy Scheider helicopter film? Boy, that was some heavy ’80s goin’ on!

($1000) The original car crusher was this vehicle created by Bob Chandler that put the monster in monster truck

WE’RE JUST GONNA CALL HIM HERCULES ($1200) Hercules spent a year trying to capture this creature of Arcadia, sacred to Artemis, who was less than pleased (Also see Ceryneian Hind and note that it was a female, not a stag.)

FASHIONABLE NAMES ($1200) “I.M.” is the memoir of this American designer who has been on “Sex & the City” & our show, too

($2000) Billionaire philanthropist known for her preppy Bohemian designs, this woman here wears a few hats

CROSSWORD CLUES “O” ($400) Hidden or supernatural (6 letters)

($2000) An oven for drying hops (4 letters)

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Quoting from this 1845 poem, “‘Prophet!’ said I, ‘thing of evil!–prophet still, if bird or devil!–‘”
($400) This “Beloved” author was the first black woman to win the Novel Prize for Literature
($600) At the end of this 1922 novel, Leopold Bloom describes his day to his wife Molly
($800) Queen Guinevere attends a New Year’s feast in the Middle English poem about this title Sir & the Green Knight
($1000) Emily Dickinson was known as “The Belle of” this city as well as “The Nun of” it


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9 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I was 1/3 on DD and missed FJ (again). I guessed at something in the Middle East, but didn’t get closer.

    I, too, said Agamemnon, so, I’m in good company!

  2. Howard says:

    Good game, smart guys, Evan just a little too quick on the draw.

    Second straight day DDs/FJ got me. I lamely said Agamemnon for the king.

    The “hidden/supernatural” clue is $400, not $2000, and is in the Crossword Clues “O” category, not Fashionable Names. Same category for the 4-letter oven. Frankly, I was surprised no one got either of those. The “guy from Seymour” was tough, but I knew who sang “Wild Night.” The “I.M.” designer I was sure one of them would get. I know close to zero about fashion and still knew his name. But in truth, those guys put me to shame on so many clues.

  3. Ismael Gomez says:

    We got a triple stumper since today’s final was a tough final due to that pesky geography clue.

  4. VJ says:

    I got that last king of Troy DD because of this clue on Monday’s Spoiler Talk:

    MYTHS & LEGENDS: $1000: This last king of Troy was originally named Podarces, which means “the swift-footed”

    It was a triple stumper in a July 1994 game.

  5. Richard Walls Corliss says:

    Evan Dorey: $20,600
    Will Yancey: $13,800

    Jen Feldman: $8,200
    Paul Clauson: $8,000
    Stevie Ruiz: $5,199
    Davey Morrison: $0

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