Final Jeopardy: Countries of the World (1-14-25)
Here are some more clues from the 1/14/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.
AS THEY SAY… ($400) A proverb says, “A new broom” does this
1980s MONSTER TRUCKS ($800) A Camaro body? Why not? Also, why not give it the name of this Roy Scheider helicopter film? Boy, that was some heavy ’80s goin’ on!
($1000) The original car crusher was this vehicle created by Bob Chandler that put the monster in monster truck
WE’RE JUST GONNA CALL HIM HERCULES ($1200) Hercules spent a year trying to capture this creature of Arcadia, sacred to Artemis, who was less than pleased (Also see Ceryneian Hind and note that it was a female, not a stag.)
FASHIONABLE NAMES ($1200) “I.M.” is the memoir of this American designer who has been on “Sex & the City” & our show, too
($2000) Billionaire philanthropist known for her preppy Bohemian designs, this woman here wears a few hats
CROSSWORD CLUES “O” ($400) Hidden or supernatural (6 letters)
($2000) An oven for drying hops (4 letters)
The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern
($200) Quoting from this 1845 poem, “‘Prophet!’ said I, ‘thing of evil!–prophet still, if bird or devil!–‘”
($400) This “Beloved” author was the first black woman to win the Novel Prize for Literature
($600) At the end of this 1922 novel, Leopold Bloom describes his day to his wife Molly
($800) Queen Guinevere attends a New Year’s feast in the Middle English poem about this title Sir & the Green Knight
($1000) Emily Dickinson was known as “The Belle of” this city as well as “The Nun of” it
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I was 1/3 on DD and missed FJ (again). I guessed at something in the Middle East, but didn’t get closer.
I, too, said Agamemnon, so, I’m in good company!
Good game, smart guys, Evan just a little too quick on the draw.
Second straight day DDs/FJ got me. I lamely said Agamemnon for the king.
The “hidden/supernatural” clue is $400, not $2000, and is in the Crossword Clues “O” category, not Fashionable Names. Same category for the 4-letter oven. Frankly, I was surprised no one got either of those. The “guy from Seymour” was tough, but I knew who sang “Wild Night.” The “I.M.” designer I was sure one of them would get. I know close to zero about fashion and still knew his name. But in truth, those guys put me to shame on so many clues.
Thanks, Howard, they got scrunched together because of a missing tag.
We got a triple stumper since today’s final was a tough final due to that pesky geography clue.
I got that last king of Troy DD because of this clue on Monday’s Spoiler Talk:
MYTHS & LEGENDS: $1000: This last king of Troy was originally named Podarces, which means “the swift-footed”
It was a triple stumper in a July 1994 game.
So did I, VJ! Can’t believe I remembered it!
Rhonda, I put all the old clues for the week together on Sunday, so I wasn’t really sure if I saw that clue on Sunday or Monday but I’m glad it was Monday and we both benefited from it. đź‘Ť
What a fortunate coincidence once again, Vj!
Evan Dorey: $20,600
Will Yancey: $13,800
Jen Feldman: $8,200
Paul Clauson: $8,000
Stevie Ruiz: $5,199
Davey Morrison: $0