Final Jeopardy: Senators (1-10-18)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (1/10/2018) in the category “Senators” was:

The last names of these 2 current Senators, one from Virginia & one from Massachusetts, are anagrams of each other.

New champ Lindsay Resnick won $10,001 yesterday. In her second game, she takes on these two players: Flora Leen, from Studio City, CA; and Gilbert Collins, from Princeton NJ.

Round 1 Categories: You Are Now Entering the Twilight Zone – Mapping Out Asia – A Clue of Game – His Widow Lived on – Lethal Weapon – “Hand” It Over

Lindsay found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “His Widow” under the $800 clue on the 17th pick of the round. She was in second place with $1,800, $2,000 less than Gilbert’s lead. She made it a true Daily Double and went with McKinley. That was WRONG.

This resident from Ohio was assassinated in 1881; his widow moved to South Pasadena, dying in 1918 aged 85 show

Gilbert finished in the lead with $4,000. Flora was second with $1,600 and Lindsay was last with $1,200.

Round 2 Categories: History Time – Real Names on the Marquee – 21st Century Fiction – Putting Up a Smoke Screen – Double Talk – Jobfuscation

Flora found the first Daily Double in “History Time” under the $1,600 clue on the 14th pick. She was in a second place tie with Lindsay. They both had $5,200, $2,800 less than Gilbert’s lead. She bet $3,000 and guessed the French and Indian War (omitting the obligatory “What is”). That was WRONG.

Orator Dolores Ibarruri coined the Republican battle cry “No pasaran” (“They shall not pass”) during this war. show

Lamentably, we did not see the last Daily Double AGAIN today! It was in “21st Century Fiction” (a lit category, just like yesterday), under the $1,600 or $2,000 clue.
Gilbert finished in the lead with $11,200. Flora was next with $7,000 and Lindsay was in third place with $4,400.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Elizabeth Warren has served as a Massachusetts Senator since 2013. Mark Warner has served as a Virginia Senator since 2008. Besides their name anagrams, they are both Democrats and currently serve together as Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus.

The links in their names go to their profiles on Ballotpedia. If you want to look up your state’s congressional delegation, go to this page.

Lindsay only had Warren. She lost her $4,399 bet, leaving her $1.00.

Flora only had Warren, too. That cost her $4,300 and gave her a $2,700 finish.

Gilbert crossed out Kerry and went with Aiken & Kaine. He lost $2,801 but won the match with the $8,399 he had left. So Gilbert Collins is the new Jeopardy! champ.

Final Jeopardy (1/10/2018) Lindsay Resnick, Gilbert Collins, Flora Leen

A triple stumper from each round: I rarely put up a triple stumper that came with an image, but… O, Sundance, fame is so fikkle! Who else was as surprised as Alex that no one got this in Round One?

YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE TWILIGHT ZONE ($800) In an early role this actor played Mr. Death, sent to collect an old lady who refuses to face the end
$800 Twilight Zone clue (Jeopardy! 1-10-18)

From Round Two: PUTTING UP A SMOKE SCREEN ($2000) Early in the 20th c. the original “smoke-filled room” in a Chicago hotel chose him as the GOP nominee &, soon, the Pres.

Jeopardy! published this last clue in the TWILIGHT ZONE category on JBuzz!: ($1000) Richard Kiel, the main alien in “To Serve Man,” went on to play this character in James Bond films

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “20th Century Literature”

For factual details, the author of this 1972 tale drew on a book called “The Private Life of the Rabbit” show

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7 Responses

  1. Richard Corliss says:

    Mark Warner won the 2001 election against Mark Earley. Warner is the right leadership for VA. He won’t raise taxes, and they were lots of commercials about him and Earley.

  2. rhonda says:

    I couldn’t believe no one knew Robert Redford! ! That was unreal.

    • Louis says:

      I know right? I mean that guy was in a lot of movies and I guess the contestants still need to do more studying. Plus, was Kaine appointed chief justice before he became a senator?

    • VJ says:

      Yes, Rhonda, that was incredible. Maybe they can’t see the picture as well as we can? I saw that Twilight Zone episode (and linked to a clip of it), and I said Mr. Death before Alex did. lol. Robert Redford was so young and so-ooooo handsome, I remember thinking I wouldn’t give him a hard time like that old lady. I’d be like, just a second, young fella, let me get my purse. lol.

      @Lou, Tim Kaine is the other senator from Virginia. I guess Gilbert was just rearranging his name and hoping there was a current Aiken. There was a man from Vermont decades ago named George Aiken who was that state’s Governor, then long-time Senator.

      LINK: 8 more clues from the match

  3. Louis says:

    Aiken and Kaine? I don’t remember those senators but which states are those guys from, VJ? Still, we would love to see that second daily double played today. Plus the leader curse will resume until we have a four or five time winner hopefully. Also do you remember the pattern of long leader curses in January 2016 and 2017? It was a six week wait until Fred Vaughn and Lisa schlitt turned things around. So 2018 isn’t looking good for January now.

  4. Myron M. says:

    The DJ round triple stumper means they missed 2 clues about people named Warren today.

    • VJ says:

      LOL, Myron, that didn’t even cross my mind but I did get the clue thanks to “Boardwalk Empire.” 🙂