Category: Lotsa Stuff

Princess Charlotte's family

Princess Charlotte’s Christening

Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, the second child of Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge was christened at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham on Sunday, July 5th, the site...

Donald Trump for President

Well, finally! Donald Trump has announced his candidacy for President of the United States. Trump proposes to cure all the nation’s ills, economic, immigration, terrorism, jobs, healthcare, you name it...

Essential Tony Curtis

In the 1950s and 60s, Tony Curtis was one of the best-looking actors decorating the Hollywood landscape, and he knew it, but Tony did take his acting career seriously. He...

Princess of Cambridge Arrives

UPDATE: The royal baby’s name has been released. She is Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge, named after her grandfather, great-grandmother and grandmother, all on the paternal side. Prince Charles...