Author: VJ

Norah O’Donnell: Poshtels and Nookie

Just sitting here listening to CBS this morning when Norah O’Donnell introduced the segment on poshtels. “Well,” she said, “Labor Day Weekend is almost here which means you might be...

Jeopardy! Reruns: 8/31/15 to 9/4/15

This week, Jeopardy! is re-running the 2015 Teacher Tournaments and although we have been putting links to the recaps in Spoiler Talk throughout the summer hiatus, it has come to...

Tulip Recap – Ray Donovan

So all throughout “Tulip,” the 8th episode of Ray Donovan, Season 3 (8-30-2015), you see Ray or Avi or Ray and Avi digging a grave and they do their best...

All Must Be Loved Recap: Ray Donovan

A lot of encounters ended in violence in “All Must Be Loved” (Ray Donovan, S3 E7, 8-23-2015), so we didn’t quite get the significance of the title. Bless me, Father...

Swing Vote Recap: Ray Donovan

In “Swing Vote” (Ray Donovan, S3 E6, 8-16-2015), Mickey’s prospects are looking particularly bad but Ray’s are looking so good that he even cracks a smile, much to Andrew Finney’s...