Anna Paquin Joins “The Affair” as Joanie Lockhart, All Grown Up

The casting of “True Blood” star Anna Paquin in the upcoming final season of “The Affair” wasn’t really as big a surprise as the role that she was cast in. When we left the show last August, Joanie Lockhart was just a little kid in the back of her daddy’s car, taking off for a little trip away from Montauk after the death of her mother, Alison. Cole’s overwhelming grief at the death of his ex-wife and his argument with his former mother-in-law on the beach was supposedly the final blow to his second marriage to Luisa, but Cole claimed he wanted to stay married to Luisa on paper and still help her get her citizenship. He also thought that Joanie would still need Luisa as the mother figure in her life.

But it’s gonna be kind of like “Godfather III,” in the sense that they picked up that one with Michael’s grown-up kids. Only whatever happened between Cole and Luisa is not going to be a focal point. Joanie will be going back to Montauk to try to unravel the mystery of Alison’s death. Here is Matt Carter’s take on this news:

Like a lot of people, he thinks Ben murdered Alison in the second scenario presented after her death, and he is hopeful that Joanie will be able to find some proof of that and justice will be served.

Quite honestly, we don’t even want to watch the last season only to find out it was Ben. We freely acknowledge that the concept is great in terms of reeling viewers in to find out “what really happened” but it’s just bound be a big letdown if it’s something we already know. And, as Matt points out in his video and we questioned on here ourselves, what can Joanie’s quest possibly have to do with any of the other main characters, like Noah and Helen?

We can see her finding out that her mother let Noah believe he was her father for the first two years of her life, but what does that amount to? A conversation with Noah… yes, I was plenty pissed at your mom when I found that out but I wasn’t even in Montauk when she met the Grim Reaper.

Vic’s death will probably be shown in flashbacks and Helen supposedly is going to have a new love interest named Sasha Mann. According to Variety, he is an A-list celebrity who will have an influence on both Helen and Noah. He will be portrayed by Danish actor, Claes Bang.

So yeah, we’re iffy right now but we’re weak, so we’ll probably tune in to see where it goes, and we think that Noah will still be involved with Anton’s mother. We also think it would have been a much better storyline if Anton’s father had met Alison when she was in Los Angeles and decided to seduce her for revenge on Noah, then set about trying to ruin everyone’s life Wuthering Height’s style!


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4 Responses

  1. JJ says:

    Anna Paquin?! How far forward are they going to “flash”. There’s no doubt that she still looks fantastic but she is in her 30’s and when we last saw Joanie, what was she… 6 years old, maybe?! I’m skeptical re: how the writers/creators of the series are going to make the final season of “The Affair” intriguing enough to keep it’s faithful audience tuned in…

    An a completely different note, you have a piece/link posted about Ben Roethlisberger’s/Ashley Harlan’s wedding from a number of years back? WOW! Being the Steeler fan that I am, I remember that vividly!

    • VJ says:

      @JJ, yeah, I think you’re right about Joanie’s age, she was 5 or 6, so I guess Paquin can pull off playing a 25 year old or thereabouts. Meantime, I thought of another possible suspect that I’m not sure we considered before – the wife of Alison’s father. Anyhow, there was something about Montauk being climate-ravaged when she returns so I suppose that means that something will wash up on the ravaged shores that will enable Joanie to identify the culprit.

      Yeah, Mark wrote that article back in the day. My knowledge of sports figures is very limited.

      • JJ says:

        Yup, she’s a legit contender for being the one who did Alison in… no question about it. But Alison ticked off a BUNCH of people over the years, so knowing this will be the last season, the writers have, more or less, a blank canvas to work with, depending on which direction they want to go.
        I liked Paquin in “Tru Blood”, so I’m hopeful she pulls this off…

        • Richard Corliss says:

          She’s still young especially when she was in “Flying Wild” a.k.a. “Fly Away Home”.