Final Jeopardy: The 50 States (7-7-20)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question in the category “The 50 States” was:

In 1840 this New England state was home to 24 of the 100 most populous U.S. urban places; now, its capital is its only one in the top 100

Today’s players: Rob Worman from Edina, MN, Dhruv Gaur from Gainesville, GA, and Rachel Lindgren from Bend, OR.

This is a rerun from 11/5/2019. The full recap is over here

Here are two categories from the second quarter-final of the 2017 Tournament of Champions (with Tim Aten, Lilly Chin and Jason Sterlacci):

BACKING BANDS ($200) Tom Buchanan calls this title character “a common swindler” who’d have to steal a ring to put it on Daisy’s finger

($400) After he proposes, Elizabeth Bennet tells him he is “the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry”

($600) She tells Humbert Humbert, “You revolting creature. I was a daisy-fresh girl, and look what you’ve done to me”

($800) “As” this play by Shakespeare says, “Let’s meet as little as we can” & “I do desire we may be better strangers”

($1000) In this play, George tells Martha he imagines her buried in cement up to her neck, “No…your nose…that’s much quieter”

KICKING AXIS ($400) In 1941’s Operation Compass, the British pushed the Italians out of this country into Libya & took 130,000 prisoners

($800) In the 1943 Battle of Kursk, the biggest-ever engagement between these, Soviet T-34s tamed German Tigers

($1200) Gen. Jodl signed capitulation papers in Reims on May 7, 1945; May 8 has become known as this day

($1600 DD bet by Jason: +$3,000) In this June 1942 battle, Japan lost all 4 of its heavy aircraft carriers & with them, pretty much, the Pacific war

($2000) In May 1941 3 British ships sank this German battleship along with most of its 2,300-man crew

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