Final Jeopardy: 2-19 to 2-23-18

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of February 19 through February 23, 2018.

Mon, February 19 – Correct answers: 2 (out of 2 left in FJ)
THE SUPREME COURT: In the 1966 case of this man, Earl Warren wrote of eliminating “evils in the interrogation process” show

Tue, February 20 – Correct answers: 3
THE ANIMAL KINGDOM: In Portuguese this bird is known as beija flor, or “flower kisser” show

Wed, February 21 – Correct answers: 0 (out of 2 left in FJ)
WORLD WAR I: Site of an arduous WWI campaign, this town on the Dardanelles gets its name from the Greek for “beautiful city” show

Thu, February 22 – Correct answers: 0
ACTRESSES: Already an Emmy winner, in 2017 she won an Oscar for the same role that had won her a Tony show

Fri, February 23 – Correct answers: 0
MODERN WORDS: In 1994 Wired Mag. described this 4-letter word as an idea leaping “from mind to mind…as viruses leap from body to body” show

On Monday, only 2 players made it to the last round. They both got FJ and the next day, all 3 players made it and got it right, too. It was déjà vu on Wednesday with only 2 left for FJ, but this time, no one got it right. Everyone made it to the final question the next 2 days, but everyone struck out. We voted Wednesday’s World War I clue the toughest of the batch based on the results, but lookee here: J-Archive shows that this topic comes up at least once a year!

Jeopardy! champs for the week of February 19 2018

Rob Worman was the returning champ on Monday. Right off the bat, he got himself another spot on the Top 10 payouts of the season (in the Top 5, no less!). Rob won 2 more games to finish as a 6x champ with $133,900. Alan Harrison was the victor on Thursday and Friday, for a 2-day total of $23,710.

Here’s the “Masterclass” category from Friday’s game, the one with the ridiculously easy $200 clue. The funny thing about it was that in the 2/14 game, the last word of “God Bless America” was a triple stumper ($200 Think Fast clue). There have been movements to make “God Bless America” the National Anthem that have all gone by the wayside. Personally, I’ve always thought it would be great so everyone could sing along.


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2 Responses

  1. Cece says:

    Hey, VJ, don’t blame Thor for that WW1 fiasco. So much for Odin’s knowledge and wisdom, uh. 🙂