Final Jeopardy: Awards & Honors (11-10-17)
Today’s Final Jeopardy question (11/10/2017) in the category “Awards & Honors” was:
The Victoria Cross is for military bravery; this Cross first given in 1940 & named for Victoria’s great-grandson is for civilian bravery.
The last Quarter-Final of 2017 Tournament of Champions has arrived, featuring these 3 champs: Andrew Pau (6x winner); Justin Vossler, (5x winner); and Jon Eisenman, (5x winner).
Round 1 Categories: Unscripted TV – Fruit, Not Fruit – Innovations – French Dip – Democrats – Republic “-AN”s
Andrew found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “French Dip” under the $800 clue on the 2nd pick of the round. He had $600 and was the only one with any money. He bet the $1,000 allowance and he was RIGHT.
When I was young ma mere warned me of this part of our pool, le côté profond. show
Andrew finished in the lead with $6,000. Justin was second with $5,800 and Jon was last with $3,000.
Round 2 Categories: In the Year 1017 – Classical Music – Science Fiction – Playing Middle C – Indian Americans – Moviemaker’s Mashup
Andrew found the first Daily Double in “Classical Music” under the $1,600 clue on the 6th pick. He was in second place with $8,000 now, $2,600 behind Justin’s lead. He made it his very first true Daily Double and he was RIGHT, and voila! He had a big lead now.
“Royal March of the Lions”, “The Elephant”, “Aquarium” & “The Swan” are all part of this French work. show
Justin found the last Daily Double in “Indian Americans” under the $1,200 clue, with 7 clues left after it. In second place with $11,800, he had $13,400 less than Andrew’s lead. “At the moment, this game’s a runaway for Andrew,” Alex pointed out. Justin bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.
This Sunday morning CNN host was only 28 when he was appointed as the Managing Editor of Foreign Affairs. show
Andrew finished in the lead with $26,800. Justin was next with $16,000 and Jon was in third place with $3,800.
Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.
“The George Cross -or GC- was instituted June 24th, 1941, by King George VI. This decision was actuated by an air raid on London in 1940 during which the Royal Palace was hit. After this incident, King George became emotionally more involved with his people and he realised what they had to go through during the raids, admiring even more their hardships and heroism. As a result, the George Cross and George Medal were largely designed by him. The George Cross is the second highest British decoration and is awarded for “acts of the greatest heroism and bravery in circumstances of extreme danger”…. Recipients are entitled to add the letters GC after their names. ” (
Albert & Victoria’s Tribe: Queen Victoria and her consort, Prince Albert, had 9 children, 42 grandchildren and 87 great-grandchildren
Jon wrote down “the Edward Cross.” He bet and lost everything.
Justin wrote down “George’s Cross.” That apostrophe cost him $7,000 and left him with $9,000.
Andrew got it right so he added $2,200, bringing his winning score up to $29,000 even and winning the last semi-final spot.
A triple stumper from each round:
FRUIT, NOT FRUIT ($800) An old ad for this cereal had the slogan “A bowl a day keeps the bullies away”
SCIENCE FICTION ($800) In John Wyndham’s 1951 novel “The Day of” these, “these” are carnivorous plants than can walk & kill a man
2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “Greek Mythology” (Alex Jacob’s QF in the 2015 ToC)
Famous mother of Pyrrha, who survived the great flood and with her husband repopulated the earth.. show
During this year’s ToC, the players and Alex Trebek are wearing blue ribbons to honor 6x champ, Cindy Stowell, who passed away shortly before her episodes aired in December 2016. She donated her over-$100K winnings to cancer research. If you would like to make a donation in Cindy’s honor, click here.
2017 Tournament of Champions Quarter-Final Results:
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$30,000 Buzzy Cohen
$29,000 Andrew Pau
$23,000 Jason Sterlacci
$19,610 Alan Lin
$15,400 Lisa Schlitt
$16,401 Pranjal Vachaspati
$16,000 Austin Rogers
$12,000 Lilly Chin
$11,500 Tim Aten
Andrew had a little mishap with the $400 clue in the movie title mashup category about Hitchcock– it seemed that Andrew knew the “StrangerS on a Train” film but just had a problem recalling the title. Justin never heard of it, I guess, or he wouldn’t have went with “Murder.” Ah, well, they should all watch the film. It is great and it was the inspiration for that hilarious “Throw Momma from the Train” parody. Criss cross!
@Lou, you should visit that website that I linked to under the FJ answer — they have an entire section on Awards and Medals and can tell you a lot more about that topic than I can.
LINK: 8 more clues from the game
The Edward Cross was not a good response at all. He was busy with Wallis Simpson & had abdicated about 1936. He was not king long enough for much to be named after him. In 1940 he was married to Wallis Simpson & long gone as king…but happy in love.
Jacob, do you have Netflix streaming? I was wondering if you’ve watched The Crown? I loved it and can’t wait for the second season to begin.
@Rhonda, no I have not watched The Crown on Netflix. Sounds like something interesting though. Thanks for the tip. 🙂
Looks like Andrew knew what he was doing. Also is the iron cross medal still being used during the second world war, VJ? And if u remember the red baron, there was the military cross medal but what is that medal for? Finally, Justin should have known to keep the answer as George cross and not that apostrophe so that he would have the wild card spot. Plus is there a distinguished cross medal used during the first and second world war?
Adding a contraction where not needed in FJ! puts Tim in the semis instead of Justin
Or wagering anything at all
@EricS, I agree.
I’m glad that Tim didn’t lose his wild card spot
Me, too.
Same here.
Who do you think will win? I know Austin is.
Justin and Jon are out, the wild cards remain the same, and then there were 9.
So that means Justin Vossler is the alternate of the semifinals.
No dalton, did you not read Richard’s comment, if they don;t make it to the semifinals or wildcard spots with low scores in the 9000 range, they go home with 5000 dollars, they do not become alternates for semifinals
No, you’re misreading Dalton’s comment. Whoever is the 5th wild-card gets to be The Alternate during the semi-finals, just in case something bad happens to 1 of the players, and if that’s the case, which it usually never is, then The Alternate gets to take that player’s spot, and Dalton’s right, Justin Vossler is The Alternate, thanks to his ”George’s Cross” mistake.