William Forsythe in The Mob Doctor

As all of us Boardwalk Empire fanatics know, William Forsythe has been playing Manny Horvitz in HBO’s saga of the life and times of Nucky Johnson in Atlantic City. The last time we saw Manny, he was watching Nucky blow Jimmy Darmody’s brains out. Boardwalk Empire returns on September 16th for its third season, and believe it, we are counting the days.

But, on September 17th, the very next day, The Mob Doctor debuts on FOX. Forsythe plays Alexander Constantine in it.

Damn! He’s got the most sexy voice in the show. Anyhow, a lot of people were hating on his Boardwalk Empire character after Manny killed Jimmy Darmody’s wife Angela. (That was before Nucky killed Jimmy). We’re not taking bets or nothing, but it’s probably a good guess that Manny Horvitz will meet his demise on Boardwalk Empire in Season 3.

If you’re a William Forysthe fan, just tune in to The Mob Doctor on FOX. If you’re not, tune in anyway and become one.

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1 Response

  1. Brenda says:

    LOVE the show! The main attraction to the show would be William Forsythe. I always liked his acting.