Final Jeopardy: European History (2-10-23)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (2/10/2023) in the category “European History” was:

Until 1806, some German nobles included among their honors the title of “Elector” for their role in selecting this personage

New champ Mira Hayward, a writer from Portland, OR, won $14,600 yesterday. In Game 2, her competitors are: Myles Karp, a journalist and consultant from Weston, FL; and Libby Hsu, a lecturer and associate director from Revere, MA.

Round 1 Categories: Before They Were Supreme Court Justices – Don’t Fall in! – 5-Letter Double-Z Words – All Kinds of Books – Hotels Named for People – Super Bowl Heroes

Mira found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Before They Were Supreme Court Justices” under the $1,000 clue with 4 clues left. She was in the lead with $5,600, $3,400 more than Myles and Libby tied for second place. Mira bet $1,600 and she was RIGHT.

In 1973 became the Arizona Senate majority leader show

Mira finished in the lead with $9,200. Myles was second with $2,600 and Libby was last with $2,200. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Ocean Life – Poets’ Rhyme Time – Fashionable Etymology – An Endless Category – Western Europe – The Miami Vice Squad

Myles found the first Daily Double in “Ocean Life” under the $1,600 clue on the 5th pick of the round. He was in second place with $3,800, $6,600 less than Mira’s lead. Myles made it a true Daily Double and he was RIGHT.

Named for its rubbery shell, this largest sea turtle can swim up to 10,000 miles each year show

Libby got the last Daily Double in “An Endless Category” under the $1,600 clue, with 7 clues left after it. In third place with $5,800, she had $10,200 less than Myles’ lead. Libby made it a true Daily Double and she was RIGHT..

Continuing indefinitely, or flowers such as daylilies & peonies show

Myles finished in the lead with $17,600. Libby was second with $13,600 and Mira was last with $12,400. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


The best article I found on this topic this morning is on the Academic Kids website. (Remember how James Holzhauer liked children’s books as a source of study for Jeopardy!?). They give you the basic info about the prince-electors who “were the members of the electoral college of the Holy Roman Empire, having the function of electing the Emperors of Germany…. Formally, they elected a King of the Romans, who became Holy Roman Emperor only when crowned by the pope.” They tell you some of the privileges that came along with the position of elector: “For instance, electors were granted a monopoly over all mines of gold, silver, and other metals within their territories….”

They also tell you what became of the electors after the Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist in 1806, when the princes continued to reign over their territories, some making themselves Kings or other high titles.

Mira got it right. She bet $10,000 and finished with $22,400.

Libby thought it was Chancellor. That cost her $4,001 and left her with $9,599.

Myles came up with Kaiser. He lost $10,000 and finished with $7,600. So on her second day on the Alex Trebek stage, Mira Hayward went from third place to win the game with the only correct Final Jeopardy! response. (She did that yesterday from second place.) Mira’s 2-day total is $37,000.

Final Jeopardy (2/10/2023) Mira Hayward, Myles Karp, Libby Hsu

2 triple stumpers from THE MIAMI VICE SQUAD category:

($1600) This superstar of stage, song & screen was seeing Don Johnson when she cameo-d as a pedestrian who caught Sonny’s eye

($2000) You can see this “Birth of the Cool” trumpeter & hear his distinctive speaking voice when he played Ivory Jones on a 1985 episode

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “Popes & History”

Late 16th century Pope Sixtus V regarded this invasion force as a crusade & promised indulgences to all who participated show


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10 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I thought FJ was not as bad, expressly due to the 1806. I don’t know why I got it, just that I did!

    I’m happy that cute Mira won again!

    • Rick says:

      Good for you! Congratulations! I was close with ‘king’, but ‘apparently’ not quite close enough. Actually, I sure thought that ‘king’ would fly.

  2. VJ says:

    I liked the Poets’ Rhyme Time category. Got ’em all.

    I was wondering if any of the contestants would have had better luck with the ’80s singer in “Autobiographies” if they had worked in one of her hits (“Hit Me With Your Best Shot” or “Love is a Battlefield”) instead of the picture.

    No wonder Mira is so good in history. She has a degree in it from Harvard.

    • Lawrence says:

      The songs probably would have done better than the picture, though I found it so fun to hear Chrissie Hynde and Joan Jett as “idk but I’m gonna swing” guesses.

      Reminds me when I used to guess Debbie Reynolds instead of Doris Day or vice-versa when playing trivia with my parents.

    • rhonda says:

      Thanks so much for the link, VJ. I like Mira very much, so very smart and sweet.

    • rhonda says:

      VJ, do you recall who it actually was a photo of when a contestant answered “Mick Jagger” several months back? I was cracking up and now I can’t remember who the person was.

      • VJ says:

        Well, I couldn’t recall exactly when that was, Rhonda, but I was able to look it up because you made a comment about it. It was on 6/13/22:

        KNIGHT AFTER KNIGHT ($400) To honor his father, this star here was knighted in his birth name, so he’s Sir Maurice Micklewhite.

        I don’t know which image of Michael Caine they showed but I’m sure it looked nothing like Mick Jagger. lol.

  3. Rick says:

    A tough FJ to be sure, and I came up with ‘king’. Hmmmm…….I wonder if Ken Jennings would have accepted that? Anyways, ‘Kaiser’ wasn’t such a bad guess per se, but I would have hardly chosen ‘chancellor’.

    • Howard says:

      No, king would not have cut it. I briefly considered HRE, but it just didn’t sound right. And I thought kaiser or chancellor were too obvious.

      I thought this was a very strong group tonight. Sometimes the younger players reveal their youth, such as not knowing the famed jazz trumpeter, the “heart and a rock ;place” singer, where the Mark Hopkins hotel is, and the still-famous Steelers QB.