Boardwalk Empire: Under God’s Power Flashback
“Under God’s Power She Flourishes” opened in a flashback of Jimmy sleeping in at Princeton with Angela waking him up, explaining she has to go to work. She shows him...
“Under God’s Power She Flourishes” opened in a flashback of Jimmy sleeping in at Princeton with Angela waking him up, explaining she has to go to work. She shows him...
Boardwalk Empire Season Two Episode 20 Well, we were just dying to find out what happened “after the orgasm …” but conceded that Margaret and Owen’s interaction, after putting the...
Well, talk about a big let down. The two hour season finale of Lifetime’s “Against the Wall” turned out to really be two separate episodes, “Second Chances” and “We Protect...
So far here’s what we know about Boardwalk Empire’s War World I veteran Richard Harrow: He grew up on a farm in Wisconsin with his twin sister, Emma, and they...
Boardwalk Empire Season Two Episode 5 Well, we hate to say it but we were expecting more action in this episode than we got. We did expect a couple of...
In the latest installment of Law & Order: SVU, (Season 13, Episode 4), we’ve got a missing baby who turns up dead, a cooler and it’s all very reminiscent of...
It’s the 11th Episode of “Against the Wall” (Season 1) “Wonder What God Is Doing.” Abby (Rachael Carpani) and Lina (Marisa Ramirez) are looking into who gave the police department...
Boardwalk Empire Season Two Episode 16 A Christina Rossetti children’s poem supplies the title for this installment of Boardwalk Empire – although a little paraphrasing might be in order as...
In the latest installment of Law & Order: SVU, (Season 13, Episode 4), we’ve got a bit of recycling with a familiar evil twin plot, one detective who thinks the...
Boardwalk Empire Season Two Episode 15 This particular post is devoted to Nucky and other male conflicts. Margaret and Lucy have their own posts. Nucky’s troubles are multiplying. If the liquor supply...
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