Tagged: recaps

North Star Recap: Boardwalk Empire

“The North Star,” Episode 6 of Boardwalk Empire’s 4th season dealt with Agent Knox having to alter his plans in the aftermath of Eddie Kessler’s suicide, while Eli is tasked...

Erlkonig Recap: Boardwalk Empire

Erlkonig*, Episode 5 Season 4, deals with Uncle Nucky helping Willie Thompson escape a manslaughter charge; Agent Knox breaking down Eddie Kessler to get the goods on Nucky; how Gillian...

All In Recap: Boardwalk Empire

“All In” had 4 main storylines going on, Nucky Thompson looking for a partner in the Tampa land deal; Will Thompson seeking payback against a college student who embarrassed him;...

Recap: Resignation – Boardwalk Empire

“Resignation” (Boardwalk Empire, Season 4, Episode 2) deals with four storylines: the intrusion of Valentin Narcisse into the Chalky White/Dunn Purnsley mess; Richard Harrow in Wisconsin; Nelson Van Alden/George Mueller...

Dallas: Reckoning Recap

  The Season Two Finale “Reckoning” aired on 4/15/2013 right after E14 “Guilt By Association.” Whether you were happy with the resolutions of various threads or not, you’ve got to...