Final Jeopardy: 12-26-16 to 12-30-16
Final Jeopardy categories this week included 2016 Olympians, Little Countries and Literary Inspirations
Final Jeopardy categories this week included 2016 Olympians, Little Countries and Literary Inspirations
Final Jeopardy categories this week included 2016 Olympians, Little Countries and Literary Inspirations
In the Season 7 finale of Shameless, Monica never regained consciousness at the hospital. Fiona was shocked when the nurse told her, Lip and Debbie that the cause of death...
Final Jeopardy categories this week included City Names, American Authors and NYC TV
Frank and Monica recommitted themselves to each other in Episode 11 of Season 7, while Mickey and Ian headed to the Mexican border, kicking Damon to the curb along the...
Final Jeopardy categories this week included Name’s the Same, Authors and Printing
Fiona and V repaired their friendship in Episode 10 of Season 7, while another relationship, besides Frank and Monica’s, picked up where they left off.
Final Jeopardy categories this week included Early America, Food History and Entertainers
Final Jeopardy Categories for the month of November included European Countries, State Birds, Americana and Natural Wonders
There weren’t any earth-shattering events in “What We May Be,” the 7th episode of Empire’s Season 3. Mainly, it centered around Cookie meeting Angelo’s mother while she was dealing with...
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