Tagged: randy

Randy Moss Retires

Randy Moss, perhaps the most dangerous deep threat in the history of the NFL, announced his retirement from football August 1st.  According to his agent, Joel Segal, Moss considered offers...

Rest in Peace, Macho Man

“Macho Man,” Randy Savage died in a tragic car accident early this morning. Police believe that the retired 58-year-old wrestler suffered a heart attack while driving, causing him to lose...

Diana Ross

Diana Ross on Oprah’s Final Season

Diana Ross made a grand entrance. in a glittery red Bob Mackie gown and ostrich feather boa, on the Oprah Winfrey show on Feb. 25, 2011, singing her hit song, “I’m...

The Wacky Quaids Star Whackers Conspiracy

Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi, appeared on Good Morning America Monday morning to let the world know that their “Hollywood Star Whacker” claim is very real and not just...