Tagged: movies

Scarface Stars – Where Are They Now?

Say hello to our old friends… the stars of Scarface. According to Box Office Mojo, Scarface was the 16th highest grossing film in 1983. Al Pacino was already well-known in...

George C. Scott as General Patton

Today is the day that General George S. Patton passed away in 1945, and if you happen to be looking for a good film to watch, how about 1970’s Oscar-winner...

Papillon Remake Dream Cast

We intended to go see Les Misérables (2012) today, but as Robert Burns put it, the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry. Instead, we watched an...

Favorite Shirley Temple Movies

Curly headed, dimpled, adorable Shirley Temple was just about THE most popular star in America and the biggest box office draw in the late 1930s, when she made a string...

Sandra Bullock Rebound

Sandra Bullock told the Associated Press that she felt “permanently broken” after her divorce from Jessie James, not from the breakup of the marriage, but she felt she would not...

Wendy Williams on Lady Gaga Lifetime Biopic

Talk show host Wendy Williams gave her opinion today on Lifetime’s tentative Lady Gaga biopic. Tthe proposed title is something along the lines of “Fame Monster: The Lady Gaga Story.”...