Tagged: john

Norman My Love

Centuries ago, when the word Norman turned up in a song or poem, it usually referred to the great warriors descended from the Norse Vikings who settled in France and...

Casting Moe Howard

Now that it’s been announced that the roles of Curly Howard and Larry Fine have been cast in the Three Stooges (2012) film, they just need to cast the mean...

My Daddy is President

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg was only 4 years old in the summer of 1962 when 7-year old “Little Jo Ann” Morse’s novelty record “My Daddy is President” came out. Everything about...

Greg Kinnear Transforms into JFK

We’ve been watching the Kennedy miniseries on Reelz all week, despite the negative reviews, because we’re cool like that. Besides we get the impression that 90% of those reviewing the...

Niki Taylor Fired, Gary Busey Triumph

For the second week in a row, the women’s team, ASAP, thought they were definitely winning, but they had another thing coming. Niki Taylor ended up getting herself fired. The...

Mackenzie Phillips on Joy Behar

Mackenzie Phillips appeared on Joy Behar on Thursday, February 24th, to discuss her book, “High On Arrival,” which created a huge firestorm last year and has just been released in...