Tagged: joan

Oprah the Pirate

The final episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” will air on May 25th and Oprah is exploiting that to the max. According to the NY Post, The Queen of Talk...

Farley Granger Death: Natural Causes

Hollywood’s Golden Age actor, Farley Granger, passed away in New York City on March 27, 2011 from natural causes. The 85-year-old actor was well-known for his role in the 1951...

Gilbert Gottfried Backpedals

Comedian, Joan Rivers, came out in support of Gilbert Gottfried saying he shouldn’t have gotten that Aflac pink slip: “Oh come on people-this is just outrageous! Gilbert Gottfried was FIRED...

LaToya Jackson Makes the Rounds

LaToya Jackson was on Wendy Williams on March 3, Access Hollywood in the morning of March 4, and the Joy Behar Show the same evening. Essentially, she talked about the...

Charo on Lady Gaga and Joan Rivers

Cuchi Cuchi girl, or should we say woman, Charo, appeared on Joy Behar on February 28th to discuss her scatalogical Lady Gaga comment: “I see Lady Gaga as Madonna with...

Name Jane Eyre’s Rochester

Do we ever get tired of Jane Eyre remakes? Um … no. And Wuthering Heights remakes either, for that matter. But the next remake of the latter will not be...

Tweak a Little, Tweak a Lot

Comedienne Joan Rivers was talking about Heidi Montag on Joy Behar’s talk show recently (Apr 1, 2010), when the discussion naturally turned to plastic surgery. Heidi came up for her...