Final Jeopardy: Famous Objects (7-3-14)
Today’s Final Jeopardy question (7/3/2014), in the category “Famous Objects” was: In 1950 the England-Scotland border was closed for the first time in 400 years to try to recover this...
Today’s Final Jeopardy question (7/3/2014), in the category “Famous Objects” was: In 1950 the England-Scotland border was closed for the first time in 400 years to try to recover this...
The Final Jeopardy question (7/2/2014), in the category “U.S. Geography” was: 2 places called Point Udall, referred to as the USA’s easternmost & westernmost points, are in these 2 territories....
Jesse Chu was a recent contestant on Jeopardy on June 25, 2014. He has already commented on Fikkle Fame’s recap of the match and some of the clues that he...
The Final Jeopardy question (7/1/2014), in the category “The Declaration of Independence” was: The first official use of this 4-word term is at the Declaration’s beginning, immediately after “The thirteen”....
The Final Jeopardy question (6/30/2014), in the category “1970s Films” was: In 2013 Mario Cuomo said he finally saw this film, which he had boycotted for personal reasons, & called...
Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of June 23, 2014, with links to the full recaps. Mon, June 23 – Correct answers: 3 In 2013...
The Final Jeopardy question (6/27/2014), in the category “British Authors” was: The Pharmaceutical Journal praised her 1920 first novel, saying it dealt “with poisons in a knowledgeable way.” 3x champ...
The Final Jeopardy question (6/26/2014), in the category “Science & Industry” was: In 1891 this European said, “Perhaps my factories will put an end to war sooner than your congresses.”...
The Final Jeopardy question (6/25/2014), in the category “World Leaders” was: Since 1953, 5 consecutive siblings have been this country’s head of state. New champ, Jennifer Blanton won $29,601 in...
The Final Jeopardy question (6/24/2014), in the category “2004” was: Watching the Super Bowl Halftime Show, the head of this Govt. Agency kept saying, “My day is going to” be...
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