Supporting Cast of Dogwalker: Ray Donovan
Here are some of the actors who appeared in “Dogwalker” (8-20-2017) in “Ray Donovan,” Episode 3 of Season 5. The episode recap is here.
First of all, our assumption last week that Natalie’s husband, Rob (Rhys Coiro) was dead turned out to be wrong or premature. Perhaps he will show up in another episode. Guys like him don’t go away just because you tell them to for one thing, but he’s not exactly a stalker. Natalie seems to have a love/hate thing going on with him herself.
We were also saying last week that we were surprised that no one referred to the wedding brawl as a “donnybrook.” Mickey did in this episode when he told Natalie James about it, only he said it was a little one, not a regular one.

Is Dr. Brogan giving Ray credit for these non-sessions?
We already met Dr. Brogan (C. Thomas Howell), Ray’s anger management counselor, in the season premiere. We did not actually get to sit in on one of Ray’s sessions then, and we didn’t in this episode either. Dr. Brogan is a guy who takes his job very seriously and he has no patience with people wasting his time. He indicated to Ray that he should work the program for his kids’ sake. We don’t see what the big deal is from Ray’s perspective. It would be perfectly understandable to Brogan if Ray channeled his anger inappropriately on the day Abby died, so why doesn’t Ray just work through the program and get it over with? Can Brogan fix the fixer? Not likely. Ray routinely beats people up, threatens to kill and kills, rarely displaying any emotion. It’s all in a day’s work and for him to even be in anger management is a joke.
Why do we think so? Lena went through court-ordered anger management as a result of episodes with her lovers, such as the scene above. She mentioned that she completed the program in “Dogwalker” and told Ray she’s cured. That, of course, doesn’t mean she isn’t perfectly capable of cold-blooded murder.

“I find it funny that Jesus fell in love with a girl that had the same name as his mother” ~ Dr. Lopez
Emiliano Diez played Dr.Lopez, the veterinarian who removed the bullet that Natalie James put in her husband, Rob. Dr. Lopez noticed the tattoo on Ray’s chest that said Mary Donovan and figured it was Ray’s mother. When he learned that Ray’s mother died of cancer, he mused over how the treatment of animals who have cancer is far more humane than it is for people.

Presenting the Black Widow’s new partner: Zorro Astuto
We don’t know who played Zorro Astuto. He has taken El Trebol’s (Bunchy) place with the Black Widow (Bunchy’s wife, Teresa) on the Lucha Tour. We just know that it wasn’t the brightest idea to leave baby Maria with Bunchy. He left her alone with Mickey, who dipped her pacifier in his glass of whiskey. Bunchy himself got drunk and drove out to the storage unit with the baby. This conduct could result in the baby being taken away by Children’s Services before Teresa returns.
Main Cast:
Liev Schreiber – Ray Donovan
Paula Malcomson – Abby Donovan
Eddie Marsan – Terry Donovan
Dash Mihok – Bunchy Donovan
Jon Voight – Mickey Donovan
Devon Bagby – Conor Donovan
Alyssa Diaz – Teresa Donovan
Recurring Characters:
Katherine Moennig – Lena
Tara Buck – Maureen Dougherty Donovan
Jayne Taini – Harriet Greenberg
Michael McGrady – Frank Barnes
Also in Dogwalker
Lili Simmons – Natalie James
Michel Gill – Doug Landry
Billy Miller – Todd Dougherty
Patrick Cox – Danny
Hector Canales – Selena
Pequeño Halloween – Ricardo
Pancho Moler – El Partido Decisivo
Brit Manor – Paris
Andy Cohen – Billy Quinn
Jamel Davall – Director
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