Supporting Cast of Abby: Ray Donovan
Here are some of the actors who appeared in “Abby” (8-6-2017), the Season 5 premiere of Ray Donovan. The episode recap is here.

Sam Winslow: “Don’t get pushed out”
Susan Sarandon plays Samantha “Sam” Winslow, a powerful movie mogul. She hired Ray to get some damaging information stolen by fixers she fired. He did and when he brought it back, she told him that her husband used to hunt a lot because he wanted to be like John Huston, but he was really more like Woody Allen. Then she told Ray a tale about a lion that ate 25 villagers. The moral, “Don’t get pushed out,” was undoubtedly a credo she lives by and she’s probably got a dozen others. Wouldn’t it be great if she told a story in each episode she’s in? By the fourth, maybe even the third, Ray would turn to the camera and roll his eyes. In the end, he’d tell her his own credo.

Ray learns from Doug Landry that Sam Winslow overuses her fixers
and spends company money to fund her personal wars
Michel Gill plays Doug Landry. He has already done business with Ray because when he called up, Ray thought he was calling about the actress, Natalie James. But Doug has bigger issues for Ray to tackle this time involving Sam Winslow. One thing is clear enough from the way he looked after he told Ray to come over the first time: Doug wishes his life could be a lot simpler.

George Winslow: “Once you see horrible things, you can’t erase them.”
Keir O’Donnell played George Winslow, Sam’s stepson. He is an obviously out of touch fellow who suffered a traumatic experience in the past. He told Ray that he saw his own sister die, leading up to it by talking about the urban legend that a munchkin committed suicide on camera in the 1939 “Wizard of Oz” film. We’re sure we’ll get to see more of George as the season progresses.

Beckett: “Action… meet consequences”
Ryan Radis played Beckett, the manager of Abby’s, the bar that Ray Donovan is losing $20K per month trying to run. Beckett isn’t exactly an asset at this point. He’s been giving the customers sandwiches on moldy bread. Beckett blames that on management when he points out that they are the ones who told him to cook, even though it’s not his thing. We’re hoping his line: “Action… meet consequences” is an omen of what’s to come this season: lots of action and lots of consequences.
More Notes:
- Daryll introduced Ray to Jay White and his sensei, Shoota. Jay is a martial arts expert turned actor and is in town doing a remake of the Sonny Chiba movie “G.I. Samurai.” Daryll had the funniest line in the episode: “Oh, Ray, Mickey called and said something about a boutonniere. I got shoes already.”
- Ezra Goldman’s widow, Deb, is now into real estate. Ray listed the Calabasas home with her but when she is about to bring a motivated buyer over, Ray calls off the whole thing and tells Deb he can’t sell the house.
- Connor is at military school, where he’s into varsity wrestling. He looked very unhappy.
- Lena still works for Ray. She mentioned that she missed Avi (Steven Bauer) but not his whereabouts.
Bunchy’s luchador career as El Trebol (“The Shamrock”) was very brief but maybe he’ll get to keep his costume.

Dash Mihok as “El Trebol”
Main Cast:
Liev Schreiber – Ray Donovan
Paula Malcomson – Abby Donovan
Eddie Marsan – Terry Donovan
Dash Mihok – Bunchy Donovan
Katherine Moennig – Lena
Jon Voight – Mickey Donovan
Alyssa Diaz – Teresa Donovan
Pooch Hall – Daryll
Recurring Characters:
Dominique Columbus – Damon
Tara Buck – Maureen Dougherty
Denise Crosby – Deb Goldman
Also in Abby
Graham Rogers – Smitty
C. Thomas Howell – Dr. Brogan
Billy Miller – Todd Dougherty
Adina Porter – Vicky
James Keach – Tom
Brian White – Jay White
Ken Takemoto – Sensei Shoota Koizumi
Patrick Cox – Danny
Holly Lynch – Saleswoman
Kacey Montoya – Sandy Gagic
Alison Ball – Florist
Hector Canales – Selena
Pequeño Halloween – Ricardo
Pancho Moler – El Partido Decisivo
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