Spoiler Talk: CotD (Thurs)
Here is a link to the NY Times Clue of the Day for Thursday’s game. This clue may be today’s Final Jeopardy! If you know it (or even if you don’t), you can make a prediction on how many players will get it right and/or leave a hint on the right answer BEFORE 11:15 A.M. CENTRAL (And, yes, we are all aware that the results are sometimes put up earlier elsewhere, but we play fair here).
Take Your Lumps: No late predictions. No changing predictions. No exceptions.
If you don’t want to read comments about the answer to the clue, READ NO FURTHER. If you do want to talk about it, then click on the link below to see the clue, and fire away! (Check the comments around 7 a.m. Central if Jeopardy.com is not up to date)
Clue of the Day
FYI, we don’t reveal the answer outright. You can hint at it if you want and it is okay to give possible wrong answers.
8-word Alert: Our comments show up on the homepage sidebar, so prefacing any hint with 8 non-hint words is the best practice.
Any comments with the actual answer will be deleted. All comments and predictions on the CotD posts are deleted after about a week, so be fearless!
Thursday Sporcle Challenge: Match the definitions to the correct word that ends in -late
Alternate: In this 6 minute quiz, you are shown a famous person. You have to click on another famous person in the same profession.
Today’s Quote: All children know when something is wrong and they can’t understand something – they never need someone to tell them they’re stupid. They need help in solving the problem ~ Henry Winkler
WEDNESDAY’S PREDICTIONS: No one predicted all the players would get the Falklands
Early Spoiler results are usually updated around 12 p.m. Central.
As usual, I’m in the dark when it comes to this category.
I’ll try TWO right
I guess this time it’s not the San Francisco 49er’s, VJ lol?
No, it doesn’t involve Joe Montana this time, Rhonda, but it does involve Broadway Joe. (I’m happy to report I didn’t see either Joe doing any Medicare commercials this year)
Oh, Broadway Joe, I didn’t even give him a thought, VJ!
I haven’t seen either of them either, nor have I seen JImmy Walker either, thankfully.
Eek, three eithers in one sentence yikes, I am getting wois and wois with my woids.
actually, it was pretty good. It would have been poifect if the last part said
“neither have I seen JImmy Walker either” 🤣🤣🤣
I like that, VJ, that is poifect woiding. as far as I’m concoined.
This was easy for me. This was also one of the most ballyhooed teams leading into the season and they turned out to be a colossal bust. (Aaron Rodgers just ain’t what he used to be…) 1/3 correct answers.
I had no chance on this once. At least I guessed a team that fulfilled the first requirement of the clue. I’ll say 1/3.