Spoiler Talk: CotD (Fri)

Here is the NY Times Clue of the Day for Friday’s game. If you know it (or even if you don’t), you can make a prediction on how many players will get it right and/or leave a hint on the right answer BEFORE the Early Spoiler results are put up, usually by 1:30 p.m. Eastern. (And, yes, we are all aware that the results are sometimes put up earlier elsewhere, but we play fair here).

Take Your Lumps: No late predictions. No changing predictions. No exceptions.

But if you don’t want to read comments about the answer to the clue, READ NO FURTHER. If you do want to talk about it, then click on the link below to see the clue, and fire away! (Check the comments around 7 a.m. Central if Jeopardy.com is not up to date)

Clue of the Day


FYI, we don’t reveal the answer outright. We just hint at it. However, it is okay to give possible wrong answers.

Alert: The first 8 words of our comments show up on the homepage sidebar, so prefacing any hint with a short observation is the best way to go.

All comments and predictions on the CotD posts are deleted after about a week, so be fearless!

An Old Category: The name of this category was IT’S OUR TERRITORY; it was in the last round of the match that aired on 7/1/2011.

$400: The Isle of Man
$800: Greenland
$1200: Sint-Eustatius, formerly Nieuw Zeeland
$1600: The North African enclaves of Ceuta & Melilla
$2000: New Caledonia

Today’s Quote: It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from another person’s plate ~ Dave Barry

Born or Died on March 21st


THURSDAY’S PREDICTIONS: JJ and JP correctly predicted only 1 person would get Lexington

Early Spoiler results are usually updated around 12 p.m. Central.

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6 Responses

  1. JJ says:

    I drew a blank and just tossed out the incorrect guess of Diana Gabaldon’s “Outlander”. 1/3 correct answers.

  2. VJ says:

    I’ll also go 3 out of 3

  3. jk says:

    I’ll go for 3/3 on this one.

  4. JP says:

    I was trying to think of a more recent bestseller, and was left without a guess. I’ve neither read the book, nor seen the miniseries, which was before my time.

    I’ll say 1/3.

    • VJ says:

      I don’t know why they don’t rerun some of the miniseries from that era. A couple of channels are currently rerunning How the West Was Won. Bruce Boxleitner is not my idea of a gunfighter.

      I never read the book and I don’t think I would ever watch today’s answer again, but I would definitely rewatch Rich Man, Poor Man. There’s another one, Celebrity, that I have on 2 CDs. Nobody will probably see it because one disc wasn’t labeled and nobody is going to go through all my discs to find it! Celebrity was a good book, too, by Tommy Thompson.

      • rhonda says:

        I loved RIch Man, Poor Man, VJ, and would definitely watch it again as well. I also read the book.

        Great time for miniseries back then.

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