Rob Gronkowski Offered Big Bucks to Act in Porn with Bibi Jones

New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski, who never turns down an offer to party, may have to pass this one by.  According to multiple reports, the website has offered to match Gronkowski’s  2014 football base salary of $3.75 million if he will perform in a sex scene with actress Bibi Jones.

Ms. Jones, 21, and the 23 year old Gronkowski are friends or something anyway; she tweeted pictures of the two together in 2010 and 2011.  We’re not familiar with her, um, body of work, but some internet searches revealed that she appeared in 20 adult films in 2011 and 2012, took a few months off, and has returned to the business. This kind of publicity stunt can’t hurt her career, either.

As for Gronkowski, well, he  may find it intriguing to be offered a boatload of money to do what he may or may not be already doing for free, we’re sure that Patriots coach Bill Belichick and owner Robert Kraft are ready for anything when it comes to the free spirited player, and he could be in for a hefty fine or the voiding of his contract if such a thing came to pass.  So, tough luck Gronk.

Of course, when he’s done with football and is looking at a new career…

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